Bathroom bang.

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The biggest girl in my cabin decides we should all get to know Eachother. She makes us sit in a circle on the floor. We go around anti clockwise and say our name and age. The girl who was crying is better now and her name is Amee. The biggest girl is Jan and the youngest is Tiana. We share our story's with Eachother. Jan is also in for vandalism. She's the oldest of us and already a big sister role to the rest of us. Annie walks in and we all stand up. She hands us an activity timetable for this week. The bell rings for breakfast and we walk out of the cell. As I'm walking I get pulled backwards. Ebonie pulls me into her cell. "Skip breakfast and meet me in the bathroom." I nod and catch up to the girls in my cell. "You gonna sit with us?" Amee asks.
"I'm actually feeling a bit ill. I think I'm gonna go have a lay down". I lie
"Aw okay. I hope you feel better."
"Thanks" I smile.
I walk back towards the A-block until everyone is in the cafeteria. Then I walk cautiously to the bathroom. I walk in quietly and look around to make sure no one else is in there. "Ebonie?" I whisper.
"Come here" I hear her whisper back. I look around but can't see her.
"Where are you?"
I'm pushed into a toilet cubicle and she shuts the door. "I need to talk to you" she says.
"Okay? Talk to me then" I laugh.
"I need to tell you something" She looks up into my eyes. Her nose is level with my lips. "What?" I ask impatiently.
"I saw you. In the shower" she begins.
"Is that it?" I ask and she moves closer to me, pushing me against the wall.
She grabs a handful of my shirt collar and pulls herself closer. "And I liked it" she whispered into my ear. I feel a tingle run through my body. She presses her lips into mine. Her grip on my shirt softens as she kisses me. I pull away from her. She looks at me, confused. "What?" She says embarrassed. "I liked it too" I confess. She smiles quickly before kissing me again. Her hands run along my sides gently. She rests her finger tips above my hips and pulls away slightly. She lingers for a bit. I keep my eyes closed and feel her lips lock back into mine. She lightly pulls the bottom of my shirt. I feel her warm fingers against my stomach. She slides them up my torso and rests them on my chest. She pulls away once more and looks at me questioningly. I nod and she wraps her arms around me. She unclips my bra and moves her lips close to mine.  She opens her mouth to say something but doesn't. We kiss again, firmer than before. Ebonie gets my bra off and allows it to drop on the floor. She kisses me harder and caresses my boobs softly. My hands are placed on her lower back. I move up the back of her shirt. She shoves me back harder against the toilet wall. She kisses me harder and tightens her grip on my chest. We makeout for a few more minutes and both end up shirtless. Ebonie pulls me closer and presses her body against mine. She moves her hands off my shoulders and brushes them down my body. Her left hand stops on my waist while her other hand slides into my pants. A weird tingling sensation bursts through my body. As she is about to start we hear faint footsteps.  We pull away and frantically pull our clothes on. Ebonie runs out of the cubicle and leaves me in there alone. I hear her run the tap just as the door opens. "Where's Trish?" A voice asks. "In there." Ebonie replies, turning the tap off. "She's been vomiting."
"You've been in here with her?" The voice says suspiciously. "I was walking to breakfast and heard her. I was holding her hair out the way" she responds quickly. I realise my hair is in a ponytail. I quickly pull out the hair tie and look for a place to hide it. There's no where. I stick it into the side of my underwear. "You alright Trish?"
I flush the toilet. "Yeah" I moan. I open the door and walk to the taps. I wash my hands and face. "Okay. We'll be back to room in 2 minutes. We're getting assigned. She leaves Ebonie and I in the bathroom alone. We look at Eachother and laugh. She walks over and hugs me. We walk back to the dorm and act like nothing happened.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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