First day jitters.

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The lady behind the desk checks us in and confirms our information. She hands us temporary uniforms. We are then taken down another corridor lined with doors. We are directed to a room with the number 7 on the door. The small cell has 2 bunk beds on opposite sides. The space between them is only big enough for 1 person to walk through. There are plastic covered mattresses on the metal frames. The 3 of us decide our beds and wait for further instruction. Another inmate wearing a blue uniform stands at the doorway. "I'm Annie" she says without expression. She has a pile of white sheets and faded purple blankets. She gives us each a sheet and blanket and shows us how to make our beds. "If you don't do it like this you'll get a strike". The 3 of us look at her with questioning looks on our faces. "A strike is like a warning. Get 3 in a week and you'll get your privileges taken away."
She finishes the bed and walks to the door. "I'll be back to get you for the information meeting".
We make our beds and change into our orange uniforms. They are simple cotton pants and a button up shirt, kinda like pyjamas. One of the girls from the same van I was on starts crying. "My parents are gonna kill me" she sobs. The rest of us try to ignore her and wait for the other inmate to come back for us. She comes back after a while and signals for us to follow her. We join the line of 4 other new inmates. She shows us around the centre. Were shown where the phones are, the cafeteria, the bathrooms and the sub leaders office. She then leads us to one of the small recreation rooms. An older man stands waiting. There are 10 chairs set up in a semi circle shape around him. On a table behind him is a stack of hick books. We all sit down and Annie leaves. The man introduces himself as Mr Lutherine, our sub leader. He's wearing a white button up shirt with black suit pants and a belt. Inside his belt are different things. I couldn't tell what they were.

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