The arrival

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Tessa bangs on my door. "Get up. We're leaving in 5!". I stand up wearily and avoid using the 'toilet'. Tessa comes back and clicks the keys into the lock. She opens the door and puts handcuffs around my wrists. "Standard procedure." She says, noticing my puzzled expression. I nod my head and leads my out the door. We walk out the side exit of the police station and across a bus bay. We walk across to a van with another officer standing beside it. Carl brings another girl my age into the line up. The officer that was waiting for us has a face that reminds me of a rat, long and thin. He walks down the line and calls out names. The girl who arrived just after me has harsh black eyeliner and a choker. Her name is Ebonie. She gives me a nudge while the officers are getting organised to leave. "You can call me Eb" she says giving me a wink, paired with a flirtatious smile. I force a smile and look away. The first officer is talking into his walkie talkie. "How many do you have?" Says a voice.
"Only 4. We should have 5" he replies seriously.
The voice through the walkie talkie tells him not to worry. He signals to the boy at the front of the line to get into the van and the rest of us follow. I sit down, happy to be alone. Ebonie seats down next to me and bumps into my shoulder. I shrug her off and sink down into my seat a bit. The male officer in charge is driving the van and he stands up front explaining his expectations. He finally finished his speech and starts the engine. I stare out of the tinted window as we drive away from the station. For the first 5 minutes I have a strange feeling. I look to the side and jump at the sight of Ebonie staring right at me. "What?" I snap.
"Oh nothin. Just tryna figure out what you did. If you were curious; I put some bitch in hospital. She's been asking for it since year 8". I nod awkwardly and go back to looking out the window. I wake up just before we arrive. I don't know how long we had been driving for. I sit up straight and see the sign as we drive up to the gate. 'Frank Baxter Juvenile Detention Center'. The van pulls up in the parking bay. The officer in charge steps out the van. He is joined by another officer and a guard. The 5 of us get out of the van and stand in a line as ordered. "I'll take it from here" the guard says. He leads us through the parking bay and through a heavy metal door. The building is made of bricks and is the size of 2 schools. The centre is split into a girls campus and a boys campus. The guard leads us towards a female guard who takes the 3 of us that are girls. We walk down a separate corridor to the girls side of the campus. The walls are grey and the corridor turns into a large bare room. 3 more guards are waiting there, all of them are female. We are each assigned to a guard and they explain that this is the checking stage. The guards pat us down to search for any "weapons or other items". After an intrusive 10 minutes they are done and we can go to the sign in office.

Rebels,Punks and LesbiansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon