The first night.

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I lie awake for most the night, thinking about everything. But I keep getting distracted by one thought, the girl from the showers. When I think about her I get butterflies.  My mind wanders and I begin to imagine what she would've looked like without the walls in between. I get lost in my erotic fantasy and without realisation, I fall asleep.

I am woken by a loud knock on the door and the A-block guards voice. "Out of bed!" I hear the other girls groan as they roll out of bed. I sit up and slowly climb down the bunks ladder. I walk to the bathrooms to use the toilet. A few girls are already in the showers but it is otherwise pretty empty. I walk across to the toilets and notice a girl standing infront of one of the mirrors. I stare at her for a while. She has an old fashioned pill case, which is half full of black powder. She dips the tip of her finger into it and looks back into the mirror. She raises her hand to her face and pauses at the sight of me. We make eye contact and she blushes slightly. I realise that she is the girl from the showers. My thoughts from last night come flooding back. I try to shake them off and focus on getting back to my cell. I watch as she applies the black around her eyes. I can't help picturing myself kissing her.
What if she can tell what I'm thinking?
Slightly embarrassed, I rush into a toilet cubicle. When I get out she is brushing her hair into a ponytail. I wash my hands and dry them on my pants. She packs up her medicine container and comb and turns to face me. "I'm really sorry" she says.
The 'shower girl' is Ebonie. I stare at her, shocked.
"Wha- what for?" I stutter.
"Huh?" I say confused.
"Yknow.." She says and bows her head.
"Ohh that." I say. "That's okay. Don't worry bout it" I give her a smile. She smiles back. "She hit you pretty hard, hey?" She says pointing toward my face. I turn to look into the mirror and see a coin sized bruise.
"Yep. I guess she did".
I follow her back to our cell block. When we reach the end of the corridor Ebonie stops walking. "I'm gonna go in first. Wait a few minutes so it doesn't look like we were together" she says with pleading eyes. I nod understandingly. I watch her walk around the corner and stand waiting for a while. I look around. On the wall near me is a list of activities. I walk over to it and read for a moment. I decide it's been long enough and walk to my cell. The other girls are making their beds. "Might wanna make yours. There's a room inspection" one of them tells me. I make my bed the way we were showed and help tidy up the room. We are interrupted by the block guard. She calls everyone to line up outside their cells. All the girls in A-block stand against the cold grey wall outside their cell. We wait as the guard goes into each cell. Ebonie is standing across from me and makes eye contact. The cell mate that hit me is standing next to her and notices. "Ebonie!" She yells and gives her a nudge. "Don't look at her!"
"Poppy Clark!" Shouts the guard. "There is to be no talking during room inspection". She goes back into cell 3. Ebonie and I smile at eachother.
'Meet me in the bathroom' Ebonie mouths to me from across the passage.
'Okay' I mouth back to her. The guard has almost finished in cell 9, the last occupied room in our block. She walks out of the room with an empty beer bottle. "Who's is this?" She says holding it up infront of the 3 girls. None of them answer. "Tell me now or you'll all get 2 strikes." She threatens.
The youngest looking of the 3 speaks up. "Mine" she says quietly. The guard grabs her by the wrist and walks down the hall. "To the rest of you, well done" she says when she reaches the end. We all go back into our cells.

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