"Well, there's like a million others in this house, so find a different one."

"Twat," I hear him mumble through the door, followed by his footsteps.

I wish I had my phone in here, then I could shoot Adelaide a text. If I stand up and go to her room that means that this is real. That I am actually bleeding from my vagina or where ever the blood comes from.

"Tegan! Tegan! Tegan!" A chorus of voices shout.

It sounded like those pigeons from "Finding Nemo" that go, "mine! mine! mine!" Wait, those weren't pigeons, they were seagulls. Now, I'm losing my mind, I must be dying. I must have bled too much already. That's it, I'm hemorrhaging!

"Tegan, are you alive?" I recognize as Niall's voice.


"Yes," I pause. "I am!"

"Are you, uh okay..?" Liam asks.

"Yes, I am. I'm just- uh... pooping."

"Tegan, what the hell? You did not need to share that." Louis groans.

"This chat has gone on enough." Harry chimes in. "Let's not chat through the door while she shits."

"Can you get Adelaide?" I ask, practically plead.

"She's gone," Zayn answers. 

That's right! I forget to mention, Adelaide has this really weird habit of leaving the entire perimeter whenever Niall comes around.

"Oh, well, Harry is right. This is weird, so leave me alone!" I said, quickly.

"Hopefully she'll shit out her bad attitude." I hear Louis mumble.

What am I going to do? Why does this even happen to girls?


"Are you sure I can't help?" Niall asks, once again back in front of the door.

"No, Niall, just please find a woman. Please." I beg.

"But I can help just as mu-"

"Unless you have a vagina I highly doubt it." I snap.

Not even a millisecond later I hear him scurry down the hall.

I'm getting really tired of sitting in here, but I definitely am not coming out, especially if there isn't another female in the house.

"Tegan, can you uh - make yourself decent, so I can come in?" Niall asks again, knocking on the door a single time.

Sighing, I stand up, pull my trousers up, slam the toilet seat down, then turn the knob and pull the door open. My eyes meet Niall who looks pathetically nervous. Embarrassed, I cross my arms over my chest and look at the carpet.

"Can I - uh come in?"

I open the door wider for him and he steps in. I follow him inside, shutting the door and sitting on top of the seat. He sits across from me on the ledge of the bathtub.

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