"I think you've had enough to drink," he said quietly.

"You've had enough to drink," Andromeda giggled.

Bellamy shook his head.

"You need to sleep," he told her.

"You don't tell me what to do," she said with a flourish of her hands.

She spun on her heels and walked back into the firelight and poured herself another drink. She walked over to where she saw Clarke playing a game where you had to bounce the washer into the cup. Andromeda walked up behind her.

"What's this? Princess having fun for once?" Andromeda mocked.

Clarke turned around and gave her a wide smile with a glassy look in her eyes.

"I'm allowed to have fun," she said indignantly.

Andromeda smirked and took the washer, "Prove it," she said handing it out to the blonde haired girl. Clarke took the washer and bounced it effortlessly into the cup. Andromeda gave her an impressed look.

"I stand corrected," she smirked and took a drink.

Clarke laughed and handed her the washer. Andromeda took it and bounced it in the cup and Clarke too, took a drink.

"Looks like we're even," Clarke challenged.

Andromeda smiled and handed her the washer once more. Several rounds into the game Clarke tried balancing the washer on her nose to drop it into the cup. Andromeda was cheering her on while the others around the table were watching them with various states of amusement. Clarke flicked her head forward to drop it in but before it could fall into the cup a hand appeared out of nowhere and caught it.

He gave her a sharp look that shut her up. He then turned to Clarke, "Let's take a walk." He looked at Andromeda, "All of us."

Andromeda rolled her eyes and reluctantly followed him away from the party. Her steps were now very unsure. They walked a little ways away from the crowd.

"Did something happen?" Clarke asked him.

"I need you both to come with me. I can't tell you why," Finn responded.

He started to walk away but Andromeda grabbed his wrist to stop him, "Tell us why."

Finn paused before explaining, "I set up a meeting with the Grounders."

This sobered Andromeda up quickly. She reached up and smacked Finn on the head. He recoiled as Clarke started to talk.

"A meeting? I don't understand. With who? How?" Clarke questioned.

"I was just with the Grounder we had in the drop ship. His name is Lincoln."

Andromeda stared at him, "That Grounder spoke to you? So this whole time he knew what was going on?"

Finn shrugged her off as she continued to seethe silently, "That's not important. If we want to live in peace..."

Clarke cut him off, "Finn we can't live in peace who have done nothing but kill us."

"Can you think of a better way to stop the bloodshed?"

"Yeah with the guns that the guard bring down," Andromeda answered.

He looked at her, "Do you really want a war?" Andromeda shrugged. Finn shook his head at her and turned back to Clarke, "Because at this rate, that's what's coming. Look, I know it's a long shot but this is our world now. I think we can do better than the first time around." At the look of skepticism on Clarke's face he added, "I trust him."

"I don't," she responded, "But if we go, we have to bring backup."

Andromeda agreed, "I'll get Bellamy and a gun."

"No way," Finn stopped her, "We're not bringing guns. Those weren't the terms and if we're going to do this, we have to give this a fair shot."

Clarke looked at Andromeda for help. Andromeda couldn't give her any. She was still reeling at the fact that the Grounder could talk and understand them. That whole time she was pleading with him in the cave he did nothing but ignore her. If they were going to do this, she would be damned if she didn't tell Bellamy to bring backup.

"Okay," Clarke broke the silence, "We'll get out packs and we'll meet you at the gate."

Clarke took off. Andromeda followed her trying to keep her footing in her still drunken haze.

"Hold on, we're just going to do this? We're going to trust a Grounder who we tortured to set up a meeting with his leader so that you can talk to him. Is that what I'm getting out of all of this? Have you even stopped to consider the possibility that this could be a trap to kill us?"

Clarke stopped suddenly, "I have! That's why you're going to be standing next to me, to protect me."

"So what, now I'm your bodyguard?" Andromeda snapped.

"No," Clarke sighed, "You can just stop them if they try to kill us. You and Bellamy."


Clarke gave her a hard look, "I trust Finn, I really do. I don't trust the Grounders though. We're bringing guns."

Andromeda finally nodded her head and Clarke made her way over to where Bellamy was standing guard while she went to go get their packs.

Last One Standing ➣ Bellamy Blake [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now