Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven : Olivia Adelaide

"Anyone special?" He asked and I felt my cheeks heat. He looked at me through the glass with a knowing smile as he held the phone to his ear.

"What's his name?" He asked, not giving me a chance to respond. I roll my eyes at my father but smiled none the less. He was still the same persistent man.

I smile lightly, "Matthias Pilot," I whispered and my father smiled at me.

"You're in love with him?" He stated but it came out more as a question.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed out, bringing a hand through my hair, "I-I don't know, how do you know when your in love?" I stutter, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

I hear him laugh and my heart clenched because I didn't realize how much I missed hearing my fathers laugh until now, "Darling, its not that hard to know. You'll do anything to see them smile, and you love listening to them talk. Its the little things Darling," He whispered.

I told him I loved him, and I meant it. I love Matthias Graham Pilot and there was no denying it. I push away from Dathan and hear shouting, than a gun shot and my stomach twisted.

My feet slap against the cement floor as I ran, Dathan, Grady and Knox following behind me. I run into an open room and my eyes roam quickly, there were boxes filled with explosives covering almost every inch of the room.

Right in the center of the room was Matthias, the man that thy call Harrison punches Matthias, knocking the gun out of his hand. I tip toe towards them and snatch the gun from the floor, hiding it behind my back.

Harrison pulled Matthias back and brought a knife up to his neck, and when Matthias met my eyes I seen fear flicker through them. He was terrified.

"I love you Olly." Matthias whispered and I felt tears well up in my eyes, I couldn't lose him, I wouldn't.

I shake my head and wipe away the tears that managed to escape, "I-Its ok, we c-can talk when we g-get out of h-here," I sobbed. Grady, Knox and Dathan were standing a fair distance behind me with their guns pointing at them.

There was no shot, that's why Harrison had Matthias in front of him. He was using Matthias as a shield. The man chuckled, "Little one, he wont be making it out of here alive, and neither will you."

I tensed and watched as Matthias struggled against Harrison, his eyes watery, "Put a fucking hand on her ad you'll be dead," Matthias hissed, causing the man to laugh loudly.

Matthias looked at me with pleading eyes and I kept shaking my head, "Shoot him!" He shouted. The only way we would be able to shoot Harrison is if we shot Matthias, the bullet would go through him and pierce Harrison's heart.

I hear the guys curse and they lower their guns, knowing they don't have a shot. My hand shook and I looked at Matthias with pleading eyes, he nods his head and moves to the side, the bullet would only hit part of his chest.

"I love you," I cried, my eyes watering again.

Matthias smiled warmly at me, "And I love you." He states.

In one fast movement I bring the gun out and fire it, watching both of them fall to the floor, before I can even register what I just did I red dot appeared on my chest and a gun was fired, I let out a cry and fall back, hitting my head against the floor.

Rolling over I see Matthias lying there, it didn't look like he was moving. Harrison was dead, crying out I hear screaming and more shots being fired. Grady rushed over to Matthias, picking his limp body up.

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