Chapter Three

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Chapter Three : Olivia Adelaide

I twirled and twirled, my heart pounding in my ears as a smile crossed my face, my arms were in the air while one foot was up. The bitter air from the hockey rink nipped at my face as I continued twirling. Holding the bottom of the skate in the air.

I skid to a stop and bow, throwing my arms in the air with a wide smile. Kiano and Julio stood in the crowed of people clapping, the ice was covered in roses that people had thrown down to me.

My stomach flipped and I was happy. I was the happiest I've ever been in such a long time it felt strange to me.

"Olivia you did wonderful," I hear her say before she envelopes me into a hug, I wrap my arms around her. I hug my grandmother tightly, letting out a small sigh.

"They'd be proud." She whispers into my ear as she pulls away.

Julio sends me a deadpanned look as he drops me off at the public library, it was close to midnight but thankfully this was open twenty four hours. I wave goodbye and climb the steps, pushing open the front door the building was dark, as far as I could tell I was the only one here.

I walk towards the back and take a seat, leaning back I throw my feet up on top of the table. I was wearing my Elmo onsie because I knew nobody would be at a library at this time of night. I take a sip of the hot coffee I had and set it down on the table. Pulling out my book I lean back and open it to the page I was last on.

It was 12:30am when a loud bang came from the door, I slapped my book shut and shoved it into my bag, hiding back into my chair when I heard the door open, a deep voice echoing through the silent building, "You sure there's nobody here?" The voice asked.

I heard some shuffling and a chuckle, "Of course not, nobody comes here this late," Another voice says. I felt my teeth chatter from nerves and bite my lip. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to calm myself. I didn't do very well in situations like this.

My eyes were closed and I heard footsteps near, "Who else is coming?" The the voice returns and I nibble on my bottom lip. Stupid Olivia. Why is trouble attracted to me? I'm a good person!

"Lennox, Knox, and Callum. And of course boss." The voice says with a grunt and I feel my eyes widen. Boss? Boss of what?

Was I a witness to gang activity?

Was it the Blue gang?

I was so dead.

The door opens again and laughter fills the room, "Shut up Knox," A male voice hissed and my gut twisted uneasily, how was I suppose to escape?

The room fell silent and I heard another set of footsteps, my breathing was now short pants as I waited anxiously for a voice, "Nice to see you all alive," His voice came out smooth and there was a hint of sarcasm dripping from every word he said.

It couldn't be him - it couldn't be him because he wasn't actually bad. They were all just rumors. He was a good guy, deep down - he had to be.

"Any leads on Harrison?" I hear him ask and my jaw drops as a small gasp escapes my lips. The room fell silent once again and my heart went into overdrive.

I hear someone move, "What was that?" I hear someone whisper and I felt my spine go ridged as my breath caught in my throat.

"YOU DOUCHE CANOE!" I scream, jumping up from under the table fast, I hear a curse and a gun went off. The bullet hit my arm and I let out a yelp as I stumble backwards, holding my arm as tears brim my eyes.

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