Chapter Six

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Chapter Six : Olivia Adelaide

Do you see it? I see it.

I cry out and shake my head, I was not crazy. I wasn't. I chew on my bottom lip and look at the clock 12:34 am. Julio was out at a friends house and Kiano was still working.

All alone

A loud bang sounds from downstairs and I jump up on bed, holding my pillow to my chest as I bite my lip nervously.

Maybe not completely alone

I lift my shaking hand and grab the flashlight off my bedside table and stand up gently, making sure not to make a sound. I push open my door a little a look out into the dark hall, nobody was there.

Rolling my eyes at myself and how ridiculous I was being I head back to my bedroom when another loud bang sounds from downstairs, a grunt following afterwards and that's what really concerned me.

I stand behind my bedroom door with the flashlight in my trembling hand as I waited for the intruder to come upstairs. The stairs creak and I hold my breath, squeezing my eyes shut when the person walks into my room.

"House is empty," I hear a familiar voice and my eyes widen as I jump on his back, slapping his head with the flashlight. He grunts out in pain and twists around, securing his arms around me as he pulls me off his back effortlessly.

I stand there and scowl at him, he shakes his head causing his black strands of hair to fall into his grey eyes, "Strange seeing your here Matty, is there something I can help you with?" I question, crossing my arms in front of me.

I was only in a grey v neck T-shirt and a pair of undies since it usually gets hot during the night.

He stares at me with a deadpanned expression, "Shut up, Grady had something to show you," He hissed, throwing me over his shoulder.

"And can you not call me Matty?" He snapped but I stayed silent until I decided to try and fight.

I cry out and start slapping his back, my face boiling when I slap his butt by accident, "Lay off the ass will you? That's off limits." He snaps and I chuckle.

"Wait, Grady needs to show me something? At this time really?" I ask, sinking into his hard shoulder. My hair hangs around my face and sways side to side as he walks down the steps.

Matthias stayed quiet and opened the front door, walking outside with me on his shoulder in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. He slows down when we near a car and a voice breaks through the silence.

"Where are her clothes?" A deep voice questioned and I shivered, glaring at Matthias who stood there smirking.

A snicker escapes him as he states at Grady, "She's got nice legs, thought she should flaunt them," Matthias reports and I felt a blush cover my face as I look down at my bare feet.

"So why did you need to see me this early in the morning? What is so special-" I cut myself off when I see a head full of copper hair step out of the car. She looks at me with her brown eyes and smiles.

She leans against the car and smirks, "Nice seeing you Liv," She says and I start bouncing up and down next to Matthias, the smile never leaving my face as I take in her appearance.

"BIRDIE!" I shout, running forward and wrapping my arms tightly around her body.

Birdie Clarabelle also known as Birdie Pilot is my best friend. Ever since primary she has always been my other half. She was put up for adoption when she was really young and travelled through foster homes.

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