Chapter One

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Chapter One : Olivia Adelaide

Grady Pilot is a complete idiot who I would destroy. He was always there when I was hurt, he didn't know who I was but he always comforted me. The day Logan destroyed me Grady was there, the night I found Logan sleeping with my best friend Grady was there, he was just always there.

Its been rough the last two weeks without Logan, he became my anchor and without him I was left floating out to sea.

"Maybe I'm just in love with the idea of being with you, maybe I'm not in love with you." Logan whispered, looking at me with those sad eyes. I shake my head, he warned me that this would happen. Logan and I weren't meant to stay together.

We just didn't work, even though we tried so hard, I knew he wasn't the one for me.

"Sorry Livvy, but I didn't do jack shit. It was all her," Grady hissed out, a smirk wiping his face as he stared at the principal with a wicked grin. I felt my fingers clench in my lap as I bite my tongue, refraining from saying something I might regret.

I stare at the principal with a deadpanned look, "I'm sorry Sir, but if anyone is to blame its Pilot here." I snap, scowling at Grady who sat there with a smirk.

So during lunch I was just leaving the cafe when Grady decided to run into me, dumping his tomato soup all over my white shirt. So naturally I picked up the slice of pizza I had on my plate and slapped him in the face with it.

Somehow a food fight broke out and now Grady and I were stuck in the principals office, blaming one another. I sigh and bring a hand through my long blonde hair, "I'm calling your parents." He snaps when we kept arguing. Our heads snap up and I laugh loudly while Grady snorts loudly.

"My parents are dead," Grady snaps and I felt chills rundown my spine, Grady stares at me the whole time with an unreadable expression. I look away and keep my head down, closing my eyes.

Looking up I chew on my bottom lip, "My fathers rotting in jail and my mother is admitted into a psych word. I'm pretty sure they wont give two shits," I bite out and a look of surprise erupts on his face like he didn't know my family background.

Grady's eyes burn the side of my head but I don't bother looking over at him, standing up I throw my bag over my shoulder and leave the office without another word. I walk through the doors and out into the hall when my eyes lock with the pair of blue eyes I fell in love with.

He stares at me with a saddened expression, his lips tilted down, I felt my stomach twist when he just stands there staring. I miss him. Logan looked away before glancing back at me, not once saying a word.

"I love how I feel when I get to see you, but that's not enough for me. I'm sorry."

His words ring in my head on this constant loop, its been two weeks yet I was still having trouble breathing. He walks away without uttering a single work and Ill admit that it hurts still. He cant even stand being around me, let alone talk to me. I guess that's how it goes when the person you fell for breaks your heart into tiny pieces.

"Livvy!" I hear him shout and grumble to myself, turning around I send Grady a small smile before turning around and walking away. But a hand wraps around my wrist gently and tugs me back.

His brown locks fell into his bright green eyes that were outlined by thick lashes, Grady Pilot was no doubt beautiful. He was usually quiet so I'm not sure why he's taken an interest in me. He was known for causing trouble, always doing small things to get himself suspended, whenever he's in the mood to do something serious he usually lands his ass in jail.

The Pilot Boys | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon