Chapter 2

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Arabella's p.o.v.

"Let's go, dinner inspection is over." I growled as I sped off towards our dorm. He enraged me. Who the hell does he think he is, I'll show him who the fuck is boss around here. I paced around the room, furious about current events. Why, out of all places, did they have to enter my territory? One full blood vampire has never been a problem. They are weak and obedient. 4 Full bloods make things more complicated, but they aren't invincible. But a pure blood, one that has his own coven, is a nightmare. I groaned in frustration. There wasn't going to be an easy way to make them leave.

"What up Ara?" "Serena!" She giggled and jumped off the windowsill. "You really need to close that thing anyone can come in here." "Shut up, where the hell were you." I growled. "Woah there honey, put away them fangs. No need for that. I stopped for some dinner." She reasoned as she sat down on my bed, crossing her legs. "So what's up with you, huh? I could feel your rage from miles away?" Full bloods, though they are the lowest rank of vampire, grow one specific ability during their changing process. Serena has the ability to feel emotions like they are her sixth sense, she even learned how to manipulate them. "Can't you smell him? Feel him? There's another pure blood among us. Everything we worked for could be destroyed because of them." "Woah whoa whoa. It's a pure blood with a coven?" I nodded. "Well, we're fucked." She stated, only pissing me off more. "Woah Ara, put that anger to rest I might just be able to feel my heart beating again if you rage any further. Listen this isn't the first time you lived together with a pure blood, wh-" I screamed, an inhuman sound coming from inside of me. Serena fell to the ground in pain. "Don't ever, talk about that again! I'll rip your fucking head off." I growled. She tried to infiltrate my emotions, to cool down the anger, but I didn't let her. "Arabella, please just let me calm you down. Let's wait for the others and then calmly discuss this. I raged in my head, turning my scolding face towards her. "Fine, go for it."

"Maybe we just got to put up with them for a while and after that we can figure out what we do." Serena said as she put my emotions back into place. I didn't protest, I didn't want to. She knows that's never going to happen but if no one offers me another plausible solution I'll just have to shut t for now. "There's another way you know." I turned back to my window. There she sat, the beautiful and ever so charming Bianca. "B, it's about time you came!" I smiled and went in for a hug. I heard Serena huff a little but I dismissed the thought of her being jealous. "Sorry I'm late Ara, but you'll love to hear my reason why. When I came onto the campus I couldn't get e weird smell out of my head, so I followed it and I found our goldmine. The other pure bloods dorm. It's about 2 levels higher than ours. There's a tree branch that covers me perfectly so I can spy on them, might just figure out what their abilities are by the end of this day." Bianca smiled, happy to be at my service again. You see when summer comes I let my girls loose, they can do as they please without me watching them. I give it as a thanks for everything they do for me. Bianca though, doesn't like to be let go of just like that. She often returns to check up on me as I always stay near the dorm during summertime. I wouldn't know where else I should go. "Alright, 2 floors up. I got it." I closed my eyes and let the map unfold. I watched people walk up and down the hall, talking and laughing with each other. My eyes turned dark and now I was roaming the halls with my mind. "That's level 12, room 8." I whispered. "Bianca whenever you can, enter that room and find everything there is to know about them." She left the room quietly, happy to have something to do with her time.

"You're so lucky she's that easy." Serena sighed as she shut my window. "She really never had a choice did she? I made her into what she is now, she's just showing gratitude." You see Bianca was in a terrible accident about 2 years ago. She wandered around these woods as some kind of sorority pledge. Little did she know how dangerous these woods became at night? She got attacked by a hungry bear and when I found her, due to the smell of fresh blood, she eyed me sadly, whispering that I should kill her. Bianca didn't want to be saved and she didn't look like she was sorry to leave this world behind. So instead of taking another life, I gave her a new one. She is now my responsibility. "Well you might have made her into a vicious predator, but she still has those weak human moments." Serena said in disgust. Suddenly she froze, her eyes became wide and her fangs slid out. "Serena?" I asked as she walked over to the window. She shook her head and whispered: "I think you should call back the others, I can feel them growing impatient." I concentrated on them, sending them a message with my mind. It was only seconds later when they both stormed in and searched the place, thinking we already were getting ready for our meal. "What the fuck!" Amber growled while hissing at me. Christina too, started hissing wildly into my direction. Their actions enraged me. I shot up, out of bed. My eyes pitch black and my fangs deadly long, I hissed back dangerously. They both backed away immediately. "That's what I fucking thought." I growled. My eyes turned back to their usual dark brown color. Pure bloods often have the most amazing eyes, not just by color, but because they can seduce someone into coming nearer. We can lure people in just by looking at them. Something about the dark depth of my eyes intrigued certain people, that's always been their first mistake. "Ladies, tonight we feast." I smirked, grabbing their full attention. "But we don't just feast on the blood of 5 new students. No. Tonight we feast with the purest intention of all." They all eyed me closely. "Tonight we feast, to send out a clear message. That we, and only we, rule this domain and anyone who steps into our domain will bow to our will." The girls cheered. My throat started burning, I was ready to feed. Bianca beter hurry up and see who it is that will be their first pray. I smiled at the thought of seeing their faces when we feed on their chosen pray. We sat down and prepared ourselves. Now, we just wait.

It's been over 2 hours, both my girls and I are becoming restless. I am on the edge of another blood fest. I shook the memory off before it would consume me once again. Lately I've been haunted by my old memories, dating back from the late 1400. They always have had haunted me, but not like this. I feel uneasy all the time these last few days. Like something bad is going to happen soon and all I can do is try and prepare myself for it. My train of thought was interrupted by Bianca, casually walking in with her all-knowing grin. "I got everything we need." She growled evilly her fangs slightly showing. "Their first victim is innocent, fat Rachel. Clinically depressed, scar marks on her arm and enough blood to fill a whole coven without causing too much suspicion. No family, few friends. Ideal pray, I must admit. They want to make it look like suicide." For a group of new boys they have already done their research. "What else you got?" "Well Rachel always studies at the library 'till closing time. She's such a regular she's even the one to close it off. That makes their plan perfect. She's alone and I know for a fact, she likes to take a walk down the empty garden in the moonlight. They will probably wait for her there so we need to be there before they get there." Bianca finished her speech. Thinking about it for a second I decided it would be easier if we each have our own tasks... "Amber and Christina you stay with me as back up, a look out if you may. Serena you are by far the fastest, watch them and the moment you sense that they are on the verge of leaving you run over to us and tell me. Bianca you do the same for Rachel, watch her and make sure she doesn't leave too soon. Go." I ordered turning around and fixing myself up a bit. "You want to impress that male don't you?" Amber said, eyeing me closely. "No, I want him to leave. That's all." I growled. She shrugged and opened the window, just in case Serena want to get in. As on cue she hopped in, clearly in a hurry cause she almost fell of the ledge. "They leave in about two minutes. He's getting feisty."

We hopped out of the window, speeding of towards the library. I saw Bianca on the roof of the library, watching Rachel through the glass parts of the roof. I closed my eyes and watched 5 cold body's rush towards the library. "1 minute till they get here, when will she come out?" I asked Bianca. "10 Seconds." She grinned. Good, everything was going as planned. Rachel walked towards the door. We crawled towards the edge of the roof. The door slammed shut, I grinned. Jumping off the room, I still landed with great force. My girls following my lead. Rachel looked up horrified, fear creeping into her slow processing mind. "H-Hi Ara." She whispered as her eyes roamed the place, looking for a way to get out of this. I stepped closer, hissing: "Hello, Rachel." I smiled as my fangs slid out. Walking over to her frozen body, the smell of her blood became vivid. I was ready to pounce. "This isn't anything personal," I whispered, from behind her, against her ear. She shuddered in response. I let my fangs slid into her neck as she tried to start screaming. 5 vague figures appear on the other side of the hall, watching my closely, growling softly. I started sucking, my inner instinct taking over as my eyes turned pitch black and in a matter of seconds I sucked her dry. Out of fury of seeing him smirk at me I tug at Rachel's lifeless body, ripping her head and body apart from one another with a growl.

The air was tense, nothing but dead silence. "Christina, body." I growled. She immediately took care of it. My fangs retrieved slowly, eyes still dark. A certain black-haired kid walked over to me, eyeing me up and down with lust in his eyes. "Hey beautiful." He grinned while standing right in front of me. I growled madly, took him by his shirt and pulled him closer. "Don't you ever talk to me again?" I pulled him of the ground and threw him over to his mates, knocking 2 down with him. He got up quickly and started hissing at me, but their leader held him back. "Zayn, behave." He took a step forward towards me. "Ergo in occursum, Arabellis." (So we meet, Arabella) He sissed. "Ergo in occursum." I growled as I locked eyes with him. "This place is big enough for us both, Arabellis." He whispered taking a step forward. "My name's Arabella, don't you come fucking near me. I will destroy you." I sneered as we came face to face. "Remember pretty boy" I whispered as I inched towards his lips, "My domain, and my rules." We were a one breath away from touching, his eyes already closing, and waiting for impact. I could feel the volts rising between us, but they enraged me. I sped off towards our dorm, leaving him there dumbfounded. I never wanted to feel those sparks again. Because I have felt them once more.

And they were the death of me...

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