"Just drive anywhere!" Sighed heavily Tom closing his eyes shut. Some would say that he was blindly drunk and that the alcohol wasn't going to let him think, but he couldn't think of a time when his mind was clearer than now, he saw things like he's never seen them before.

"Alright." The driver said as he started the car. Tom leaned over to the window once again getting lost in his own thoughts. He watched the trees, the buildings, the figures passing by faintly through misted eyes. After a while of driving the driver took a turn to a nearby park. Tom stared out at the night sky absentmindedly through the window when he noticed a familiar figure wandering there.

"Stop the car!" His voice hoarse, he fumbled with taking out his wallet out of his pocket and handed the driver money. His feet stumbled slightly upon the the dark pavement but he quickly straightened himself and closed the cab's door shut. He didn't know where his strength came from but he almost ran his feet tripping over every once in awhile but he stayed straight he was not going to fall when she was so close. His heart beat loudly in his chest going 100 mph per second as she was only a few inches away from him.

Tom steadied himself standing as straight as possible when he patted the girl's shoulder lightly "Avery?" He asked hopefully. The girl spun around on her heel to face him, he felt his face fall down when he noticed it wasn't her. She stared at him wide eyed "You're Tom Felton!" She squealed in excitement.

"Yes...um sorry I thought you were someone else!" He managed to choke out as he tried to hide the disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm like your biggest fan!" She grinned not able to get a hold of her excitement. Hearing footsteps nearby he crooked his head to look behind the girl he was talking to. He couldn't believe his eyes that was really Avery over there, his Avery walking slowly hugging her jacket tight to her body.

"Can I..." Started the girl but Tom couldn't stay there and chit chat when she was so close, he needed to get to her "Sorry!" He turned apologetically towards the girl in front of him, before he ran into Avery's direction. Who would've thought that he would find her where he least expected her to be. If someone had told him that he'd be like this over a girl he would've probably laughed in their face but today he broke all he ever knew about himself. He just wanted to make things right, he wanted her next to him once again.

Avery picked up the pace walking faster the second she noticed Tom coming her direction. She cursed under her breath, wondering how he found her here, he was the last person she wanted to talk with at the moment.

"Avy wait please!" He hollered running towards her faster, seeing she started walking faster when she noticed him.

"Just leave me alone Tom!" she snapped at him angrily. He grabbed her hands tightly, he was not going to let this end like this "No no not until you listen to me...please Avy just listen to me." He pleaded looking deep into her hazel eyes although she was right here next to him, she felt a million miles away. He could see it on her face that she has been crying it was a few shades paler, the livid bruised dark circles under her almost green eyes made him cringe. He felt the urge to pull her in a tight hug and ease all the wrong he did.

"Make it quick!" she spat at him snatching her hands from his grip.

"What you saw there Avy is not what really happened. I swear she kissed me if you stayed one more second you'd see me pull away....baby I don't love Melissa I love you! Please just please believe me." He begged her, she only seemed to get madder, a wave of emotions danced into her eyes and he couldn't tell if she was angry or sad at the point as her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Avy...you know I love you right? She kissed me.." He said softly this time locking gaze to hers. The tears that sprung on her eyes finally fell and they came as a flood "Okay." She managed to choke out.

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