"'Bout what?" she asks lifting me onto her back and she starts trotting.

"Well first I had a dream that Peppermint Maid came into our room in the middle of the night, slit my hand with a knife, took a vile of my blood and blew dust in my face that made me pass out." I think back.

"Hmm," she ponders, "are you sure it was a dream, baby?"

"Yeah, there's so scar or anything. It felt so real though."

"And then you had more dreams?" she asks

I nod, "Well, one more." I admit. "I felt like I woke up, but I guess I really didn't, anyway this creep is just standing in the middle of my room, and then, ugh, he starts kissing me so I punch him and he says he was 'just looking for his girlfriend', or something, then jumped out the window. It was the craziest thing ever." I sigh, letting the gentle wind clear my mind.

Cake is quiet for a moment, "Do you remember what this guy looked like? From the dream?" she slightly stutters.

"Uhh," it's not hard to recall the dream because it's been replaying in my mind ever since, "He had long-ish black hair, red shirt... why?" I stop and ask.

She just nods her head to herself, "No reason." she shrinks back down as we come up on the tree house.

I eye her, "Why?" I insist, opening the door.

She sighs behind me, "Well..."

"Ahh!!!" I scream, startled by my dream come to life, lying on the couch, waiting.

Cake peeks over my shoulder and stares in disbelief, "Marshall!!!!!" she pushes past me and hugs the stranger.

Wait. Did she say 'Marshall'?

"Goodness, I thought you were dead!!!! Where were you?!?!" she shouts at him, but his eyes are locked on me.

Cake catches on to our stare down, "Okay, I see. Marshall, there's a ton of explaining to do but how 'bout you start off with how you're back from the dead."

He doesn't break our eye contact, "I was dead, for a while at least. What ever Gumball did-"

"What?!" I interject, "I'm sure whatever he did, you deserved it." I snub.

Cake shoots me a glare out of the corner of my eye. He continues anyway, "Whatever he did killed me, but not all of me, in a way." He sees Cake's confusion and explains, "I'm not immortal anymore. I'm gonna age, I can die like any of you now." He focuses on me again, "Which might come in handy with whatever has happened here." He sneers and I do the same in return.

She shoots me another look then goes back to Marshall, "She's under some spell or potion, we think, that, um, took all her memories of you out of her head and made her love Gumball; and now they're *clears throat* uh, married." She rushes through.

"So I've noticed." He remarks.

"Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" I break the contact and head for my old room, "I want nothing to do with that creep!" I shout back while I climb the ladder up. They don't follow me. They leave me to myself; but I still hear them whispering downstairs, no doubt it's about me and my 'memory loss'. Ugh.

I climb back down, "I'm going 'home', see you tomorrow Cake." I walk out the door and slam the door behind me.

"Hey wait up," I look back to see a floating Marshall under an umbrella. I try to walk faster. "Hey, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Marshall Lee the Vampire King and you used to be head over heels for me." He hangs down in front of my face.

I try to keep a straight face, "I seriously doubt that." I say. I keep walking towards the Candy Kingdom, not making eye contact with the 'thing' floating beside me.

He presses on, "Oh, but you were, trust me. Maybe it's my looks," he winks, "maybe it's the fact I'm king of vampires and prince of the Nightosphere," he nudges me, "maybe, its my kissing skills," I have to work to keep my straight face, to not let out a snicker at him flying above me.

"I know what you're trying to do." I mummer.

"And what would that be?" He floats in front of me, leaning on his elbow.

I look away, "You want me to fall back in love with you, not working very well at it by the way."

He shrugs, "We could always go back to making out." He smiles.

"Ha! Because it worked so well yesterday night? Yeah,"

He swoops down and lands in front of me, forcing my eyes to his, shading us both under his black umbrella, "Maybe if you try harder on your side, it might bring back some memories." He puckers up.

I stand there a moment too long before ducking back out into the light. I can hear him chuckle as he flies up beside me again. "What do I gotta do for you to believe me, Fi?"

"Nothing, there's nothing you can do." I look off; glad to see the tips of the castle rising above the horizon. "And stop calling me that." I add.

He's finally quiet for a moment, but comes back determined, "You're afraid of the ocean."

I shrug, "So?"

"You feel obligated to help anyone in need because you were an abandoned 'boom boom' baby."

Uh..., "So?"

"You've had that bunny hat as long as you can remember."

I try to clear my head, "Did Cake tell you all these things to say? Its not gonna work."

He ignores me, "You don't really mind being the last human because Cake is your family."

"Stop!" I yell in his face, "Just stop," I say just outside the walls of the Candy Kingdom. He's quiet and comes down next to me. "You seem very nice and all, but I don't see this going anywhere." I say slowly, "So maybe I can see you around, or not...bye." I finish and walk through the entryway to the kingdom.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Marshall (Fiolee)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang