"In 10 to 15 minutes I'm there, is something wrong?" Her voice wobbly, Tom knew that she started panicking just like him.

"I don't know, Dr. Shone told me he needs to talk with both of us." Tom took in a sharp breath not wanting to frighten Saloni as much as he was. Even though he still didn't know what was going on he couldn't help but feel a knot tie itself tightly into the pit of his stomach.

"I'll see you in a few." She said and ended the call.Tom leaned his head back on the cold wall next to Avery's room as he placed the phone back in his pocket.'What will he say?' 'Why does he needs both of us?' the questions rang inside his head over and over again. He couldn't shake of the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Tom pushed himself upwards and closed the door of Avery's room because he didn't want his paranoia to upset her in any way. He paced back and forth into the hall, the stress level he was under was much to handle. Taking another glance at his watch he found out that only a minute has passed, he could have sworn than an hour passed.

Frustrated beyond comparison he sat down on the chair in front of Avery's room and ran his long fingers through his hair as he tapped his feet on the white tiles anxiously. Time didn't seem to pass at all and he just couldn't sit in one place. He checked his watch nervously to see that only a minute passed. In an effort to pull himself together he went to the bathroom to wash his face, maybe that could help him compose himself.

Tom stared at his reflection in the mirror, he looked as if I could be cast for The Walking Dead any minute now, his blue eyes that darkened into different shades of silver seemed tired, the livid circles below his eyes just proved his lack of sleep . He splashed water over his face and watched it slowly drip down from his face. Instead of his regular whiskers he had a full beard, he stared at is reflection trying to take him in his appearance as he traced his fingers over his full beard, he looked so much different from how he normally would. He barely even went to his house these days, he rubbed on his eyes squinting them before walking out of the bathroom. It seemed that time was standing in place, what seemed like an hour to him showed to be no more than 5 minutes on his watch. "Stop being paranoid." he muttered below his breath as he pressed his back against the wall again.

"Hey Tom, how are you doing?" Asked Margie with a warm smile on her wrinkled face, she was a lady around the age of 60 who he got acquainted with in the past two months she much like him was in the hospital every day because her husband was in a really bad state.

"I'm fine Margie, just really nervous." He exhaled deeply , there was just something soothing about her, he could not say what it was for sure, maybe it was her dark blue eyes that accompanied her face and spoke of the life she had.

"What's wrong? Why so nervous?" She asked and sat down on the nearby chairs, he joined her and placed his hands on his knees. "It's just the doctor wants to talk with us, and I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen I just can't shake off that feeling." He poured his heart to her, she rested her hand on his shoulder lovingly reminding him of his own grandma.

"Have faith, I'm sure it's nothing you cannot get through," she said.

"But-" He started only to be cut off "You are both young, she will fight for her life. I've been enough in these hospital halls to know that happiness comes to those who pray, those who believe because it's in the darkest hours when miracles happen." Tom nodded there was something about her voice and words that always seemed to calm him down.

"Thank you for being here for me." He offered her a genuine smile, "Anytime sweetie, I've been around here enough to know what true love is and I see that in you." She smiled warmly.

Yours Again (Tom Felton)Where stories live. Discover now