They walked to the cafeteria in silence until they spotted Saloni, Matt, Daniel, Dakota and Andi. It was a long night for everyone and a person would have to be blind not to notice the vacant, pained expression on their faces. Saloni was sitting supporting her face with the palms of her hands. She was in such a trance her tears cascaded down on her face gracing the dark bruised circles under her brown eyes. The accident was taking it's tool on everyone.

"I'll get the coffee, you sit down." Said Rupert gesturing to Tom over to the empty seats.

Tom sat down and brushed his hands through his blonde hair. Saloni looked up at him, the second their eyes locked he felt as though the pain in her eyes pierced right through his soul. "What happened?" asked Andi noticing how tense he was.

"Stupid reporters." Tom groaned while Matt shook his head "They just don't respect anyone."

"Those guys would probably kill for a story if they had to." Daniel shook his head frowning at the mere mention of reporters.

"Yeah.." Signed Tom while looking straight into Saloni's eyes. Her gaze made his stomach knot, he felt guiltier just by looking at her.

"I'm so sorry.." both Saloni and Tom spoke in unison. He did not see that coming at all.

"I'm sorry I blamed you Tom, emotion took the best of me." She sighed pushing her long dark hair behind her ear. It was Tom's turn to apologize "I'm sorry too Saloni, if it weren't for me this wouldn't of happen. Believe me when I say that I would give my entire life just so that Avy would live." He spoke his heart out and God knows he meant it all.

"I know that you love her, you always have..but that Melissa.." She said almost growling her name. "I'll make sure she never gets anywhere near any of us anymore!" Tom reassured her resting his head onto his palm. "Good, because next time she won't just get away with a slap." She said sternly.

"Don't worry about her." Added Matt pulling his girlfriend into a hug, knowing that she desperately needed one. Rupert came with two cups of coffee. "What did I miss?" he asked handing one of the cups to Tom. Andi rolled her eyes slightly "Just everything." she gave a slight smile "Those two made peace." added Andi gesturing at Tom and Saloni.

"Wow a guy goes to grab coffee and major changes in the world happen!" Rupert, shook his head in disbelief .Everyone gave a slight smile for a moment, it was what they all needed, a brief moment, slight relief of the pain.

"I'm still watching you though!" Saloni shot a glare at Tom as he took a sip of coffee. They all sat silently for a moment when his phone rang breaking the silence. He took it out of his pocket it said Emma calling onto the screen so he answered it right away.

"Why do I have to find out everything from the newspapers!" "How is Avy?!"She asked with concern. Reality hit him back hard at that, this was really happening it was not just a bad dream of which he could wake up from.

"I'm sorry I didn't call Em everything happened so fast." He said his voice trembling at the thought as flashbacks of everything that happened played inside his head every time he blinked.

"Hun, I'm so sorry, how is she doing?" She asked her voice soft and full with concern.

"She's in a coma." He said quietly almost a whisper, just saying that ripped his heart into a thousand pieces all over again.

"Omg! I'm coming right away!" said Emma. Tom was barely able to mutter out an okay before ending the call and placing his phone into his pocket. He sat there for a few minutes. Saying out loud that Avery was in a coma just made it more real than ever. His eyes downcasted to shirt, her blood was all over it.

"I'm going in front of Avy's room." Tom said not bearing to sit there anymore, he got up leaving his coffee on the table. "We're coming too" Saloni rose to her feet wiping her teary eyes.

"Please, I just want to be alone for a second." He pleaded looking at her, she nodded understanding and sat down next to Matt again.. "We'll come later than. " Added Matt, Tom thanked them and left to go see her. His heart raced and his throat went dry as he walked through the hospital the sadness and cries of these halls took the best of him. He was not alone in this. He reached her room only to see a reporter taking pictures of her over the glass window.

"What are you doing!" He hissed and grabbed the reporter by the arm pulling him back the man's eyes widened Tom could see the fear building into the man. "Don't you have any respect?!" He yelled at him, the rage he bottled up from earlier got the best of him.

Tom didn't know what he would've done if the nurse he had talked with earlier didn't interrupt them. She pulled the man aside "Please leave, this is not the place for this." She said her features serene "The patient needs rest, If you don't leave I will call security!" She said to the man who glared at Tom before leaving cursing under his breath.

"Thank you." Tom offered her a small smile. "Don't worry Honey, she will be all right." She smiled warmly calming him down, her brown eyes were so serene that for a split moment he believed her. He wanted to believe her.

"I really hope so.." He trailed off and put his palms on the glass window of Avery's room. Seeing her just laying there brought the tears back to his eyes.

"I will never leave your side love, I will never." He promised, as more tears slid down from his eyes.

Yours Again (Tom Felton)Where stories live. Discover now