Untitled Part 21

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The next day, all three of them went to Lloyd's house getting ready to pick Olivia and grandparents up at the airport. With Lloyd's mother.

When they got there they had a call from Grandmother Donovan? We have already arrived. Okay we are nearly there, so we will come inside now.

Everyone was happy to see Olivia, but she hid behind her glasses hiding away from paparazzi.

When they got to the Donovan's house, Lloyd broke the news to Olivia. Babes guess what? Mitchell guessed three things but it wasn't them. What is it please tell me.

Lloyd then turned to face Nichole and Alice and smiled. Oh my! Don't tell me they are dating. Of course they are baby. What!!! Olivia screamed. And I didn't know about it>>>>> that was because it happened just yesterday, Alice said. So we wanted to keep it as a surprise.... And indeed she was surprise...

hey Nichole tell me? Why all of a sudden. Well the truth is I have been in love with her for some time now, so I wanted to know if she was the right girl for me but darling there is no backing up now.

Oh but I think I would be a good actress wont I? Oh yeah you will trust me! Olivia said teasingly. Oh and she had her first kiss yesterday. Both Lloyd and Olivia teased.

Next year came like magic; they graduated and threw a big graduation party. And everyone got to study their major.


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