Dancing among the Stars 51

Start from the beginning

I saw the Alphess bow her head, "We shall miss her. May Ylva of the night and Helaku of the dawn, have mercy on her soul…"

They lit the funeral pyre and I watched, with a broken heart, as the flames roared and devoured the body of my love, whilst tears coursed down my cheeks and the song of the wolves echoed into the night. I felt reassuring hands on my arms and shoulders and turned to find the remaining members of Sheeva Intre standing with me. It felt as if they were holding me back from leaping into the flames and committing suicide, because that's how I felt. Broken, lost and suicidal.

"Thanks." I whispered, absentmindedly to them, as I remembered Namid and of the good times we had before. Only memories now…

Later, as the crowd dispersed into their dens, I lingered. I saw the Alphess gaze sadly out into the distance, the embers on the pyre dimly lighting her firm face and eyes, I heard her whisper to the skies: "Take care of her Ylva…"

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Alphess?"

"Yes." The woman's voice was soft as she spoke.

"I never meant for her death…" I looked down, dropping the arm to my side, shamefaced.

The Alphess turned to face me, "None of us did, boy, it happens to the best of us."

"But the Lupine—" I was suddenly cut off by my Alphess' reply.

"We have you as our future Alpha, your son as your successor, and our bond with Wyvern's Court is strong…" she sighed softly, "Do understand, boy, her life would have been a nightmare of love had she not died. Choosing duty over your heart is a decision we all must make at some point in our lives and it is a difficult one. Be glad that she can run free with the gods…" "The Lupine has no need to fight over issues that do not matter anymore. The prophecy is complete and Ylva watches over us." The Alphess put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Heed what I said, boy, and go get some sleep."

Feels like the weight of the world,

I walked to my den with a heavy heart; unshed tears in my eyes and swallowed screams in my throat. I missed her. I loved her.

Like all my screaming has gone unheard.

And oh, I know you don't believe in me.

Safe in the dark, how can you see?

I don't know what I should do anymore.

Freefall, freefall, all through life.

If you love me, then let go of me.

I won't be held down by who I used to be.

I heard her voice in my mind, suddenly, and I fell to my knees as her voice that was so sweet to my ears, so harmonious when she sang, whispered: "Let go, Rak. Don't hurt yourself by hanging on…just let me go."

But how, how in Ylva's sake, could I?

1 year later…

The Alphess stood to address the Lupine, voice confident and clear, "My pack, my people, I have called you here to tell you that I must choose another heir, for my time here is fading and it is time you had a new ruler…" Oak-brown robes billowing, I saw the Alphess move through the crowd, who parted to let the woman pass. "I have thought long and hard on whom shall lead you, and I make my choice today."

She turned her face to the fading sunlight and lifted her hands, "Ylva and Helaku have spoken to me of this day…" Her voice dropped a bit and the caramel-eyed gaze turned sharply to the crowd, "They sent their son, Otsoko of the night and of the dawn, to show me who shall lead you. He said: Daggers and deception were his ways, the darkness was his kingdom and the dawn was his haven. Never crowned, yet made a king, Cold Silence is in his rule…" She dropped her hands to her sides and I understood whom she meant to address next. She turned to face me, and the members of Sheeva Intre, voice still clear, "I did not know whom he meant until it all made sense to me."

My face remained blank as the Alphess smiled and beckoned me forward. Slowly, I stepped up and she met my gaze, "Kneel" she ordered softly.

I did as she ordered and kept my gaze level with her own, as the Alphess took a crown of golden suns from a priest at her side and placed it on my head. "Rise," she declared, "Rakab, Alpha of the Lupine," "and Mana of Sheeva Intre."

I rose to my feet and I heard the sound of barking and howling behind me, I turned around and saw the wolves, my son and his mate, Rose, applauding for my reign and I couldn't help but swallow both a grin and tears. For today, trouble was far behind me, yet as I glanced at the circlet of full moons I felt my throat close up with emotion. Had she lived and under different circumstances, Namid would be wearing that circlet now, as my chosen Alphess.

Yet Ahnleh hadn't intended any other ending, but this.

And that's what saddened me most.

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