Dancing among the Stars part 7

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The next morning, Namid awoke to find the sun shining in her eyes. Groaning, she turned over on her side and gasped as she saw a man leaning against a tree next to her. Sitting up, she noticed a woman, emerald boa by the look of her, pacing and talking in fierce whispers to a serious-looking avian man. Three other avian women began gathering up supplies and packing up. The man, serpiente, leaning against a tree lazily stretched and grinned as he stood to help a young woman, "Ginger!" he called. Another woman with red hair and crystal blue eyes walked over to them with a pack and tossed it to the man, ignoring Namid.

Another serpiente man slid down from a tree, in Demi form, and wrapped around Namid tightly, "What's your business here, lady wolf…here to spy? Steal?"

Namid struggled with the man's grip on her, but froze when she noticed the fearsome look in the snake's stormy-blue eyes. She shut her eyes as the snake's body squeezed harder, almost crushing her. "Answer me!" he hissed angrily.

"No, Rakab told me to stay with him…" she whispered.

The snake released her, saying nothing, and shifted back to human form, glancing warily at her as he went to help the others.

Namid tensed up and pinned herself against a tree, sucking in slow breaths. Her hair was a mess from the other night and her clothes were a bit wrinkled but she didn't care. She was scared and wanted to be wrapped in Rak's warm embrace. Yet she was betrothed to the Cobriana prince! She banished the unwanted thoughts and forced herself to think of her duties.

Shakily she stood, and was handed a flask of water by the emerald boa. A lean build, blonde hair, tied back loosely, and bright green eyes were the first sights she saw before the boa spoke. "Sheila's my name." She said, smiling, "Mana Rakab's been waiting till you woke up to pack. Something's been up with him lately, yet he hides it well."

Namid thanked Sheila and drank from the flask, the water moistening her dry throat. "Could you introduce me to your troupe?"

Sheila laughed, "Well, Rak wasn't kidding when he told me you were polite!"

Namid smiled, "It's the least I can do." She followed Sheila as the boa took the flask and began walking around, "That one over there, the serious-looking man, a crow in Demi form, is Yrel."

Namid saw the lightly built crow leaning against a barrel of some sort of sweet wine. Yrel's eyes were an odd shade of yellow and his hair was a dark black, he smiled as they passed.

"Now those three over there," Sheila replied, pointing to three women packing food, "Are Elita, Branwyn, and Alida." Namid nodded. Alida and Elita, she saw, were twin sparrows. They had the same chestnut hair, stocky build, and brown eyes although Alida's hair was more red then her sister's. The third woman, Branwyn, was a raven in Demi shape and clearly the leader of the three. Branwyn's form was stocky but curvaceous in the right places and her eyes were haunting ebony. Namid knew the raven was connected to the legends of the wolf, and was not surprised when Branwyn nodded regally to her. The sparrow twins waved.

Shiela introduced Namid to a young man, a white viper by his looks. "This is Bialas Alibhe."

Bialas held out his hand and Namid shook it. "A guard of the Cobriana royal house is my father…but he doesn't know I exist, my mother never got a chance to tell him before she died in childbirth." The viper told Namid sadly. "But I have the Sheeva Intre as family now." He revealed white teeth in a shy smile. Bialas had white hair and striking blue eyes that seemed to turn a deep sapphire in the sunlight.

Walking over to them was a man with dark brown eyes and sandy-blonde hair, "This is Senka." Sheila explained.

"Jaguar shifter." Senka grinned and held out his hand as Namid shook it, "I see Sheila's introducing you to our group. She's a real sweet one isn't she?" he asked, eyes twinkling.

Namid realized he was flirting with the emerald boa and ducked her head, feeling a blush creeping into her cheeks. She had always done this when men had tried to charm her, regardless if whether they were flirting with others around her or herself.

Sheila rolled her eyes, "And him over there," she gestured to a man helping the woman with red hair, "Is Ralon, a constrictor in Demi form. With him is Ginger, a red rat snake."

Namid nodded, "I don't know if I'll be able to stick names to faces." She laughed.

Sheila clapped her on the shoulder, "Come.Get some breakfast first, we'll move on to Wyvern's Court later this afternoon."

"How'd you know I was to be at the Court?" the young wolf princess asked.

"Rakab told us, don't worry, he'll be back later." The emerald boa replied, passing her a bowl of porridge and a few pieces of fruit. "Eat first and talk later." She ordered plopping Namid onto a fallen log and taking a seat beside her.

Namid ate silently, barely tasting her food as she thought. What had her dreams been about last night?

She remembered the shadow-thing with the blue fire as eyes had come to her again, this time in the form of Salem. Using the cobra-man's form it spoke to her, "Rakab is a good thief, yet a threat to you all the same…do not trust him, do not love him…"

"But he is my friend!" she had replied.

"Has he told you: Toth la stanku la am." The being had demanded.

Love me for who I am.

"No." she had whispered.

"Then he is not worthy…" the being then turned from Salem to itself and turned away, leaving her in the darkness of her own unconsciousness.

Was he worthy for her? Or was duty not important in love?

Were her thoughts ever simple these days?

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