"Th-then-" she started.

"No way. Spare me this horrifying conversation," I said, raising my hands to cover my ears as I closed my eyes and shook my head from side to side.

How could she think I'm...I'm...Oh God! How did we even come to the topic?

I got up from my chair and practically ran out of the house towards my car. I unlocked the door and speed towards my school, hoping to forget this conversation.

Pregnant? Oh God!

At the red light, I stopped my car and removed my phone from my bag and texted the only person who could remove me from this misery.

SOS. Meet me at the tree in the garden of our school. I'm on my way.

As the light turned green, I took off and reached school. I parked my car and hurried to the garden. As I came near, I saw her leaning against the tree, texting on her phone.

As I walked close enough for her to hear me, she kept her phone in her bag and stood straight. She raised an eyebrow looking at me. "What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"Mom thinks I'm pregnant," I blurted out.

"What!?" She stood shock. Same expression Ash, you got same expression as me.

"Yeah." I said and explained her everything that happened during breakfast.

After completing my story, there was a moment of silence until Ashley broke it, laughing. She started laughing like crazy. Everyone's gone crazy today.

"W-what? M-my G-God! Sh-she thinks you're..you're, oh my God." She laughed harder, tears running down her face. I groaned and buried my head in my hand, blushing from embarrassment. My face felt so warm that if you keep bread on it, it would toast black.

I'm sure I looked like a tomato. Ashley continued laughing until I kicked her leg.

"Ow! What the hell, Chloe?" She grabbed her leg and started hopping from one place to place. I smiled sweetly at her.

"What? I didn't do anything." I batted my eyelashes while she glared at me.

She huffed. "Whatever."

My smile faltered and I gave her a serious face and said, "You can't tell this to anyone, okay?"

"Why do think that?" She questioned, challenging.

"Because if you open your mouth, I might slip something about you and Jaso-"

"Okay okay, I won't tell anyone about it. You keep your mouth shut," she said, blushing. How cute!

"But you have to tell me what's going on," I told her seriously.

"Yeah. I will, but not here. Later, okay?" I nodded my head and stuck my hand out for her to shake.

"Deal." We smiled at each other. When we were small we would always make a deal about anything. It's our way to know that we can rely on each other.

"Hey, guys." We heard Leah. She came our way with a big grin on her face. "Are we ready for today?" We nodded our head. "I even told Beth about it. She told me to give her all the details about it. Anyway, where's Laura?"

We shrugged our shoulder. I looked to the side and saw Laura coming our way with a big grin of her own.

"Hey, guys. Ready?" She asked. We nodded. "We have to do it in lunch break so that while going home everyone can see our handwork." Again we nodded. "Good. Anyway, Chloe?"

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