The double date pt 1

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The screen flared to life as Hinata timidly flowed chakra into the orb. Why did she do this again? Oh yeah she wanted to see her future. The future where she was dating Naruto. Why was she so curious she would never know. It just felt right to go now. After all from the glimpses they saw already her and Naruto were together. Which means in the future he likes her and that was good enough for her.

"Damnit Naruto I said no!" A teen Sasuke snapped from where he walked briskly down the road to his home. Naruto followed him eagerly and refused to give up on his plea.

"No to what?" Sasuke murmured. Knowing the idiot it could be anything from getting ramen to spying on the girls in the hot springs.

"Uh oh this isn't going to end well" Sakura said shaking her head.

"I don't think I've ever seen Sasuke that pissed off at Naruto" Kakashi whispered to Leilani.

"Class 4 Stoic idiot fight it is" Leilani muttered causing Kakashi to chuckle.

"But teme your the only one who I can ask! everyone else is busy!" Naruto pleaded to his best friend.

"I don't care what it is Naruto. Leave me out of your ridiculuos schemes. I have more important things to do." Sasuke grumbled crossing his arms two fingers rubbing at his temple on his left side.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Naruto challenged.

"Revenge, training, reading, polishing my kunai, help Lily catch a butterfly, basically anything besides whatever the hell your trying to drag me into" Sasuke scowled.

Sasuke stopped with a grunt. his teeth were clenched and his left eyebrow was beginning to twitch. A physicl sign that he had inherited from his father that stated he was at his wits end. Sasuke turned to Naruto and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took a deep breathe before lowering his hand.

"Oh shit. This is going to get ugly" Asuma muttered to kurenai.

"Looks like it all right. Uchiha has a temper and Naruto sure isn't helping it" Kurenai agreed.

"Naruto I am going to explain this to you one more time. I don't care what kind of heavenly clan heiress Hinata's friend is. I am not going on a double date. Thats final. Now get lost!" Sasuke snapped.

"You can't just throw away a girl like that!? Are you insane!" Kankuro exclaimed.

"Kankuro shut up! You wouldn't know a pretty girl from an ugly one even if they threw themselves into your lap" Temari told her brother.

"Beggars can't be choosers. Speaking of which. You sure your okay with pineapple hair over there?" Kankuro asked.

"Excuse me for a second Shikamaru..." Temari said getting up.

"Yeah sure" Shikamaru said carefully a bit afraid himself.

5 min later Kankuro was bloody, and beaten on the floor. Gaara gave Temari a thumbs up in approval but remained silent.

"Thanks Gaara" Temari smiled but was a bit shocked. Since when did Gaara of all people give thumbs up!?


"Yes teme?"

"Try something like that and i'm murdering you"

"B-but teme!" Naruto spluttered.

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