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Ino growled slightly and leaned back in her seat.

"Stupid kiba.... Stupid orb..... Stupid dog....." Ino mumbled bitterly. Kiba could only hear bits and pieces but he knew it was directed at him.

"Love you too babe!" Kiba called sarcastically to Ino.

"As if I would ever love you dog breath!" She snapped pissed off.

"K-kiba you should p-play the orb n-now..." Hinata spoke up.

"Oh right." Kiba said pickin it up flowing his chakra.

The screen once again blurred to life. There was kiba. He was taller and he no longer wore his sweatshirt. He was in the yamanaka flower shop lifting up a heavy looking box.

'Grr... Get out of my store dog breath!!!' Ino thought angrily.

'What am I doing in that place!? Where is akamaru!?' Kiba thought to himself.

"Where do you want this babe?" Kiba called over his shoulder.

"Did Kiba seriously just call Ino babe?" Sakura asked sitting up straighter clearly shocked.

"Strange, I heard no sarcasm in kiba's voice!" Shino said ominously.

The image zooms out slightly to show and older version of Ino sitting behind the counter. She had her chin resting on her hands while she smiled at Kiba.

"Put it by the daffodils!" Ino said pointing to a flower arrangement near her.

"You got it!!" Kiba said carrying the box over with ease and setting it down. Ino giggled.

"What?!" Kiba asked confused.

"Nothing i'm just really lucky to have a guy like you!" Ino said happily. Kiba smirked showing off his canines a certain glint in his eyes.

"Really? You sure you wouldn't prefer someone of the Uchiha variety?" Kiba asked flirtasiously.

"Damn right I would! Now stop stinking up my store canine teeth!!!" Ino fumed. She was feeling uneasy about how her future self was acting around kiba. It almost looked like they were flirting. It made her stomach feel weird.

Sasuke sighed. Would he ever be rid off these annoying female spawns of satan? Unfortunately probably not.

"You okay Sasuke?" A quiet voice asked beside him in curiosity. He turned his head to the right to see Lily looking concerned.

"Hn..." Was his response.

"Okay good." She said turning back to the screen. Sasuke smiled inwardly it was always sort of amusing their conversations if you could call them that. She would talk to him about stuff through fence and he'd just hn. He never could tell how she could interpret his hning but he was glad that only she could. He didn't really know why he was glad about that but he didn't care all that much. Whenever lily was around the world always seemed to brighten and his fangirls were slightly easier to block out.

Ino snorted while she laughed.

Ino blushed. She couldn't believe her sasuke just heard that... And kiba.... He was gonna tease her forever !!!

A glimpse into the futureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora