Youth's flower pt 1

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The scene opens to a forest of some kind. The wind blows softly causing flower petals to fall off the sakura trees. Four figures stand in a clearing. The camera zooms in and we see a teenage Lily in a taijutsu stance. She's wearing a blue short kimono with long sleeves. She wears a miniaturized version of the leaf headband around her wrists. They are smaller the size of bracelets. Across from her is a girl who looks to be the same age. She has beautiful brown eyes and her hair is in a braid. She's wearing a pink crop top and genie pants that look adorable on her. She is wearing a pink scrunchie with the metal leaf hiate on it. It looks brand new signifying she is new to konoha. The camera zooms once more and we see Hinata byakugan blazing as she stands in the middle her right arm raised. She wears a lavender sweatshirt and her usual hyuuga pants. Her headband is tied around her neck per usual. The fourth person is Lantanna The fourth legendary sannin. She leans against a shaded tree watching the two girls who were about to start sparring. She wears her usual outfit. Behind her you could see Jiraiya drooling in the backround.

She nodded to Hinata who swiped her hand downward signaling them to begin. Flower Petals swirled as both girls ran at each other. Punches and kicks were thrown but no ninjutsu or genjutsu was yet to be performed or cast. Roselina punched a pressure point in Lily's shoulder as Lily kicked her legs out from under her. Both girls hit the ground with a thud.

"Why aren't they using jutsu yet?" Asuma asked cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"Probably to make it a fair fight.." Lee said a slight smile on his face.

"What do you mean lee?" Gai asked curiously.

"She's like me!" He said smiling the biggest smile gai had ever seen his student produce and that was saying something.

"What?" Kurenai asked not following.

"Apparently this Roselina girl has no natural genjutsu or ninjutsu abilities" neji spoke not looking away from the screen.

"In other words the perfect match for him!" Tenten smiled clasping her hands together.

"Speaking of perfect couples ..."Ino smiled at tenten and neji.

"Oh I know they even finish each others thoughts!" Sakura gushed.

"I-we-er shut up!" Tenten yelled flustered.

"Wait what?" Gai asked dread pooling in his stomach. Not his precious youthful students....

"In the future neji and tenten are together " shika said rubbing his head slightly a migrane forming.

"In other words Nejiten!" Sakura and ino yelled.

"Oh no the disease is back! Hinata make it go away!" Naruto said clinging to the reddened girls shoulder. Gai fainted as kakashi did an anime fall at his sensei's son's stupidity.

"Focus you two! Predict each others movements! Don't rely on your eyes at all! You have other senses so use them! Feel the attack coming and where the chakra is being channeled. Don't see it! Feel it!"

"That's strange training advice.." Kurenai said.

"It should be effective though Kurenai" asuma explained.

"How so?" She questioned.

"Lily is a jinsè. As you know jinse's rely heavily on her eyes. Jinsè's must always see the connection. But most jinsè's as they grow older don't connect as well to nature energy. Because they forget the crucial step of feeling nature's chakra around you" Leilani explained.

"Except it's backwards for you right?" Kakashi questioned. She nodded snuggling into him.

"You know me so well" she grinned.

"It's harder than it looks." Lily panted.

"Yeah if you were throwing ninjutsu at me I would be done" roselina panted.

"Alright you two forget the sparring match! Lily I want you to use sunlock on Roselina."

"Paralyse me?!" Rose asked alarmed.

"It will force the both of you to move in sync with each other and build muscle memory quicker.... And you Rose need all the help you can get if your sister's are coming to konoha next week"

"okay..." She sighed.

"What's a sunlock? A secret jinsè jutsu that I haven't heard of?" Kakashi asked leilani.

"I-i don't know i certainly haven't heard of it" she answered looking at the screen immensely interested.

Shika leaned forward a bit squinting his eye in thought. "I wonder...." He whispered.

Lily sighed. She performed hand seals similar to that of the shadow possession. Her eyes glowed a pure gold. Then light stretched from her feet across the ground connecting the the two girls feet with the light.

"Sunlock locked" Lily said as Rose mirrored her movements.

"Soo that's what you called it" Shika smirked.

"Dude she stole your clans jutsu" kankuro blanched.

"No I taught her my clan jutsu and she added light energy to it and bam! Sunlock!" Shika smiled.

"And check out your eyes baby cousin they're glowing" leilani grinned smiling. Lily just smiled at the sight of her eyes. In the future it looked like she finally got control of her kekkei genkei.

"Good. Now you two go through some sparring with my drooling teammate in the background. Hinata you go find sasuke, lee, and naruto." Lantana ordered.

"What about you?" Hinata questioned.

"Oh I'm just getting kakashi and leilani" lantanna said flippantly.

"Wait! Don't leave us with the perv!" Rose yelled in a useless attempt to avoid the pervy toad sage.

"You'll be fine.... Your still underage teenagers.... Orochimaru was the pedophile!" Lantanna called breaking out into a run. Both girls were not happy to say the least.

"I think lantanna is screwy in the head" leilani breathed.

"Hmm..?" Kakashi questioned.

"She left two pretty girls alone with jiraiya" she said rubbing her temples.

"Are you still mad that he put you in icha icha?" Her boyfriend asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am not a tease!" She snapped hitting him in the chest.

"When did you get so violent?" Asuma asked his shogi playing friend.

"When that perverted excuse of a sage put me in his stupid porn book and labeled me as "the tease". She replied annoyed.

"Hey that book is a very good piece of literature!" Kakashi protested.

"They're getting burned when we get back" leilani scowled.

"No they aren't" he said.

"We'll see" she replied crossing her arms.


Kk guys this was part 1. Please vote comment and tell me what you think! Also tell me who you think should go next!

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