Chapter 73

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Song of the chapter: I Won't Let Go by Rascal Flatts

Emily's POV

"He went out last night and got completely hammered."

"Really? That doesn't sound like him," my brother said over the phone that evening.

"Well, he did, trust me. He didn't do anything all day; he just lied on the couch."

"Maybe something's bothering him."

"He would have told me; he tells me everything," I said.

"Did you at least take care of him?"

"No. Not at first; I was mad at him."

"Oh, Emily," Jesse sighed.

"What?! Don't you think I had a right to be mad?"

"A little, I guess. But come on, Austin's trying his best," Jesse said.

I glanced over at the couch where Austin was snoring away with a cold cloth draped over his forehead. Lucy was lying on his chest, sound asleep as well.

"I know, Jesse, but it's so stressful," I said.

"Isn't wedding planning supposed to be fun?"

"You watch way too many movies," I told him. "They romanticize that shit. Sure, some of it's fun, but when you're doing it by yourself, it's not," I sighed. "Anyway, I'm making this all about me. What did you do today?"

"Quinn and I took Sheridan to the zoo. She caused a huge scene when we had to leave, though; apparently she loved it that much."

"Well, at least she had fun. It's easier to entertain kids. Damn, I miss being little," I said.

"Don't we all?" Jesse chuckled. "I better go, though. I've got an exam tomorrow and I haven't studied nearly as much as I should be doing."

"Sounds good. Good luck!"

"Thanks. Call if you need anything or just want to talk," he said before he hung up.

I put the cordless down on the table and went to do some laundry while the other two slept. Pancakes followed me into the laundry room and lied down on a pile of clothes.

"Pancakes, no!" I scolded. "Come on, up you go."

She yawned and stood up as she was told. She went to sit in the corner of the room to watch. She loved watching Austin and I do laundry. It was like one of her hobbies. Odd, but at least we knew she wasn't getting into any trouble.

Jesse's voice popped into my mind. That doesn't sound like him. Maybe something's wrong with him.

I closed the washing machine door. Austin would have told me if something was wrong with him. He always told me everything that was on his mind. That was the basic point of a relationship, was it not? Trust and honesty. It was probably nothing, he just felt like going out with Alex. Oh well, it was done, and he was safe at home. I would just ask him about it when he woke up.

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