Chapter 67

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Song of the chapter: I Think About You by Ross Lynch

Emily's POV

I took Lucy's hand and walked with her into the living room to watch a movie so she would hopefully fall asleep before my mom got to our place. "Are you coming?" I called to Austin.

"Right behind you," he said, following us. He sat down with Lucy and kneeled down to my height, both looking at her.

 He sat down with Lucy and kneeled down to my height, both looking at her

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I put her favorite movie, Barbie: Fairytopia, in the DVD player.

"Alright, Luce, if this doesn't put you to sleep eventually, I don't know what will," I said as I walked back to my favorite goofballs. I sat down and cuddled into the crook of Austin's arm. Lucy was bundled up in a blanket on his lap.

"One big happy family," Austin mumbled into my hair, and I grinned.

"Happy, yet crippled," I added.

"Barbie!" Lucy said cheerfully from Austin's lap. She started clapping her little pudgy hands.

Austin kissed her little head. "Barbie is the best, isn't she, Lucy?"

"Right, daddy," Lucy replied.

Lucy ended up falling asleep half way through the movie, so I was about to get up and stop it before Austin grabbed my arm. I yelped. "Ouch!"

He quickly let go. "Oh my god, sorry, sorry, sorry! Wrong arm. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, rolling my shoulder a bit. "What's wrong?"

"Don't stop the movie; I want to finish it."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But you have to take Lucy to bed first; I can't carry her upstairs."

"Neither can I."

I sighed and looked around. "Well, I guess she'll have to sleep on the couch until my mom gets here."

Austin slowly slid out from under Lucy and laid her properly on the couch before bundling her up again with her blanket. "Sweet dreams, princess."

Shortly after, my mom arrived. I went to answer the door. "Hey, mom."

"Hi, honey," she replied. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. Arm's a bit sore, but other than that, I'm good."

"Good," she smiled.

Austin came into the kitchen area, and my mom put her hands on her hips. "Now what the hell happened to you?"

"I slipped on a shirt," he replied.

My mom shook her head. "I never know with you two. So I'm assuming Lucy is sleeping but neither of you can take her upstairs?"

"Damn, you're good," Austin said. "She's on the couch."

"I'll go take her up. You guys go get ready." My mom patted my boyfriend's shoulder before leaving the room.

I turned to Austin. "You heard the woman. Let's go."

It turned out to be quite the task trying to find an outfit to wear. I was sitting in our walk-in closet, holding a couple different outfits. "What should I wear? A dress? Or a skirt? Nice jeans and a top?"

"Emily, I really don't care. You look fine in anything. Just pick something," Austin said from our bedroom.

I sighed and poked my head out of the closet. "You're no help at all."

He looked up from his phone. "I'm trying. Seriously, pick whatever you want." He was dressed in jeans, a black dress shirt with the top buttons undone so his chains showed better, and purple high tops. He even managed to do his hair nice with a gimp wrist.

I finally decided on my nicest black skinny jeans, a silver sequined tank top, and black high heels.

I took my sling off. It wasn't hard to change by myself, but I had to do it slowly. Ten minutes later, I was dressed, so I walked out into the room.

Austin looked up again. "See? You look beautiful."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Here, I'll put your sling back on," he said, setting his phone aside on the bed.

"You know what?" I threw it down on the bedside table. "I don't need it."

"Are you sure?" Austin hesitated.

"Yeah. I need to start moving it around again," I replied. "But can you zip the back of my shirt up?"

"Gladly," he smirked seductively as I turned around. Just because it was Austin, he ran his good hand up my bare back as he zipped the shirt up, making me shudder.

"I hate you," I told him, which only made him laugh.

I curled my hair loosely since I couldn't move my arm around too much and did my makeup simple.

"I like your hair like that," Austin said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He checked his watch. "Come on, we've got to be there soon." He grabbed my good hand with his good hand (that sounded funny just saying that), and we went downstairs to where my mom was reading the paper at the table.

"Lucy still asleep?" I asked.

She looked up. "Wow, you two cleaned up nice. Yes, she's out like a light."

"We shouldn't be gone too long," Austin said, grabbing his jacket. My mom helped him put it on, almost like a little kid needing his mommy's help. Except he wasn't exactly little; my mom was only slightly taller than me, so he towered over her, too.

"Thanks, Penny," he said gratefully.

She smiled and pat his arm. "No problem, dear. Now come on, Emily, your turn."

When we were all ready to go, she gave us both careful hugs. "Have fun and drive safe. Oh, and don't call," she added, looking at me especially. "Lucy will be just fine."

"I won't," I sighed.

She pulled back from hugging me and took us both in with her finger on her chin. "Hmm. Maybe I should take Lucy for a couple of days," she said. "You guys can't function."

"It's okay, mom," I told her. "We'll manage."

"I'll be fine in a couple of days, it's just a sprain," Austin told her.

"Alright, if you say so. But you two better go."

"We'll see you later," I said.

In the car, Austin spoke. "Man, I'm so looking forward to having lobster."

"Stop, you're making my mouth water just thinking about it."

He grinned. "Lobster, lobster, lobster, lobster-"

"Austin, stop!" I giggled.

"Sorry," he said. "Okay, let's go."

The restaurant was packed when we got there, so I was happy we had made reservations. If you didn't make reservations there, you were basically screwed.

"My lady," Austin said, holding his good hand out to me to help me out.

"Why thank you, good sir," I smiled. "Lead the way."

"Name?" the guy at the front desk said without looking up from his computer. He looked pretty bored, which meant he was probably one of those people whose parents made them get a job to get them out of the house. He looked to be about eighteen. He glanced up and his eyes widened a bit. "Oh, Austin Mahone, and Emily Smith. Your table is ready; Rachel will show you to it."

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