Chapter 14

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Song of the chapter: Invisible by Hunter Hayes

Emily's POV

"You look fabulous, darling!" Kendra exclaimed as she and Wendy stepped back to admire their handiwork. They pulled me to a floor length mirror.

I was wearing a midnight blue strapless dress that went to my knees and black ankle boots. My hair was curled around my shoulders and pinned back on one side, and my makeup was dark and smokey.

"Wow," I said in awe. "It doesn't even look like me."

"You look beautiful, honey," Wendy said. "But we better get you to the set."

They ushered me out the door and down the hall to where the set was. The set looked like a school hallway, and crew was rushing around everywhere, the extras already in place.

Austin, Taylor, the boys and Alex were sitting off to the side by the food table, pigging out on the food. Well, the boys, Austin and Alex were; Taylor was watching Lucy. Thank god for somebody.

A lady hurried up to me and held out her hand. "I'm Callie, the director."

I shook her hand. "Emily."

She smiled. She looked nice enough. "Now, you're going to be playing two different people; one is your stereotypical snobby popular girl, and the other is, for lack of a better word, a loser. The popular girl is going to be bullying the other girl. Got it?"

I nodded slowly. "I think so," I looked down at my outfit. "I'm guessing I'm in popular mode right now."

"Right. Come on, let's get you in place." She took me onto the set by the lockers and a group of people who I assumed would be my popular group of friends, from the way they were dressed. "We'll use one of the extras for you to bully while we film, and when you're the uncool girl, we'll use an extra to bully you. When we edit everything, we'll replace the extra's places with your characters respectively," Callie explained. "For this scene, you're hanging around with your friends, having a good time when your victim walks in your direction down the hall. When she comes close, act snobby and stick your leg out to trip her."

I took a deep breath. "Okay." A stage hand handed me a purse.

"You'll be great, honey, it's lots of fun. You'll see!" Callie hurried back behind the camera.

My friends waved at me and gave me a thumbs up. "And, action!"

She stood out in the crowd, was a little too loud
But that's why we love her
She's not like other girls
She could have conquered the world
Until you broke her down

Are you happy now
That she's on the ground?
And do you realize the words you say make bruises that don't fade away
Are you happy now?
That you've brought her down?
And she's thinking that she won't fit into
'Cause you said something's wrong with her
Are you happy now?

As we shot my scenes as the popular girl, I started to loosen up, and I was really having fun. In between takes and when they'd refix my hair and makeup, I'd joke around with the extras. I hadn't realized it had been five hours since we'd got to the studio.

When it was time for me to change into my "loser" clothes, I quickly hurried over to the gang.

"How's she doing?" I asked Austin as I took Lucy from him.

"She's been good. She just got up about ten minutes ago and I fed her a bottle," he said. "You're doing awesome, Emily. You look beautiful." Taylor and Justin nodded.

New Beginnings {ACM}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें