Chapter 51

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Song of the chapter: Thanks For The Memories by Fall Out Boy

Emily's POV

The tattoo parlor we went to wasn't far from the house, so we made it there in good time. We went inside, where there were a few people getting tattooed.

"Austin, my man!" The guy behind the counter came around and shook Austin's hand.

"How's it going, Michael?" Austin grinned.

"The usual, working," the guy replied. He looked like your typical tattoo artist, with tattoos up his arms and such.

"Emily, this is Michael," Austin said. "He's a friend of my mom's. Michael, this is my girlfriend, Emily."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"You too," he said. "Alright, so Emily, Austin said you wanted to get a piercing. What are we talking?"

"My rook."

Michael nodded. "Tons of girls come in here wanting that one done. Come and have a seat over here." Austin and I followed him over to a spot in the corner where I handed my purse to Austin and slid onto the reclining chair.

"I'm going to need you to put your hair up," Michael said while he did got stuff ready in the corner.

"Austin, grab a ponytail out of my purse."

He rummaged in it for a few seconds. "Jeez, what the hell do you have in here? It's like that never ending bag from Harry Potter."

"The Undetectable Extension Charm?"

"Okay, Miss Smarty Pants," he said. He finally pulled one out and handed it to me. I quickly threw my hair in a messy bun and tucked the loose strands behind my ear.

"Have you had any piercings before?" Michael asked me.

"My earlobes and my cartilage at the top of my ear," I replied. "But that's it."

"What's your pain tolerance like?" He asked as he cleaned the spot.

"It's surprisingly good."

Austin scoffed. "You were freaking out when you broke your ankle, Emily."

"That's a broken ankle, Austin," I snapped. "There's a difference." I turned to Michael. "I'll be fine."

He chuckled. "Okay, so this is the needle." He showed me the long silver thing that would be shoved in my ear. "I'm going to get you to lie down and then I'm going to push this little glass tube against your ear so the needle has somewhere to go after. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," I said.

"Need me to hold your hand?" Austin asked me.

"Actually, yeah."

He held his hand out and I grabbed it, squeezing it hard. "Ow, damn it, Emily!" He shrieked, yanking his hand back.

"That's what you get for doubting my ability to handle pain," I glared. I lied down on my side. "Go for it, Michael."

Austin video taped the whole thing. I could tell when Michael was about to do it because Austin's face was priceless. That gave me a heads up and all I felt was a quick pinch.

"There, that's the piercing," Michael said.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're done. Go check it out."

"Oh god, that looked like that hurt," Austin said.

"Don't be such a baby," I said, walking over to the mirror. It looked so good. "I love it, thanks Michael!"

"No problem, Emily," he grinned. "When Austin's tattoo is done, I'll tell you how to take care of that."

"It looks cool," Austin said as he walked over and looked at it.

"Thanks. Now time for your tattoo," I grinned.

"Do you want to do this in one sitting, or come back another day to finish it?" Michael asked Austin.

"I can't come back, my tour starts in three days," he said. "I'll do it all today."

"What did you have in mind?"

Austin handed him the picture so Michael could look at it. "Okay, this can be done in an hour anyway."

"Sweet," Austin grinned.

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