Chapter 13

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Song of the chapter: Mean by Taylor Swift

Emily's POV

"Ems," I faintly heard from somewhere above.

"Mmm, Taylor Lautner?" I giggled dreamily. "You're supposed to be in my favorite TV show playing a smoking hot werewolf, not in my bedroom."


"You should go back in the TV, although I don't entirely appose to you being here."

"That makes me feel awesome." I groaned and opened my eyes to find Austin standing over me.

"Well, you're not Taylor Lautner," I commented.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Austin said sarcastically.

I blushed. "I didn't mean it like that."

Austin smirked. "What kind of dreams were you having?"

"Private dreams!" I replied.

"Am I smoking hot like your fantasy, werewolf guy on the TV?"

"You're hotter than hell. And a sex god. Satisfied?"

"Very, yes."

"Good. Just being honest," I lied back down and buried myself under the blankets, closing my eyes. "Now let me go back to bed."

"Sorry, babe, no can do," I felt his hand on my shoulder and he lightly shook me. "It's the day you shoot your music video. You need to get up now."

"Ugh," I mumbled. I completely forgot about that. I reluctantly sat up, rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?"


"Six?" I sighed tiredly. "It's too early for a Saturday."

"I know, but I made you breakfast already. It's waiting for you downstairs."

I brightened. "Pickles included?"

Austin chuckled. "Yes, pickles included." He started to walk towards the door.

"What, no good morning kiss?" I asked.

"Not until you brush your teeth!" He called over his shoulder as he walked out the door.

I sighed and lied back down.

"Emily Smith, get up!"

"Okay, I'm up!" I exclaimed. I grabbed my glasses and slid them on before throwing my hair in a bun and sliding out of bed.

"Lucy's still asleep," Austin told me when I got to the kitchen.

"No kidding, it's six in the morning. We'll just get her when we have to go. Damn it, I wish we didn't have to take her with us." Unfortunately, we were out of luck for sitters for the day. My mom was out of town for the weekend, Austin's mom was busy at work, Quinn's family was gone on holidays, the boys, Taylor and Alex would be coming with us to the shoot.

"Taylor, Alex, the boys and I will watch her, don't worry about it," Austin assured me. Pancakes came and greeted me, and we sat down at the table.

"Oh, thanks for this," I sighed happily. "I love not cooking."

"No problem, but we've got," Austin checked his watch. "Less than two hours to get to the shoot."

"Ugh, how do you do this so much?" I groaned as I shovelled bacon and eggs into my mouth. "I don't even have time to savour this bacon!"

He shrugged. "I'm used to it. And I'll cook you bacon again tomorrow."

"Deal," When I finished breakfast, I cleared my spot and put the dishes in the dishwasher. "I'm going to shower and change."

New Beginnings {ACM}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن