"I think he likes her. Judging the way he looks at her... I think he's in love." I snickered.

My eyes suddenly bulged when I saw who was coming.

"Shit, shit, shit." I mumbled as I grabbed Trish and Sofie's arms and we all ducked behind the bin of 3 for $25 lingerie.

"What?" Trish and Sofie said in unison.

"It's Evan and his minions," I whispered. "Just stay down."

Then the most dreaded part of all, I heard Corey calling Evan. The jerk! Oh, just great. He's talking to them now.

"Oh, dear sister, you can come out now." He said in a singsong voice. I seriously wanted to punch his lights out. Wait until I get my hands on that little twerp.

All three of us stood up awkwardly from the mountain of bras and underwear. I felt so humiliated. I was as red as a tomato.

"Why, hello there, CJ," Evan greeted me with a dimpled smile. Three football jocks from his team swaggered behind him. "I see you guys are shopping for—"

"Bras!" Corey blurted out. "Mom said CJ needed new ones because her boobies have grown bigger." I smacked him in the head. "Ow!"

"Jerk." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"FYI, she's now a C cup." Corey added and I just gave a sigh of frustration. I'll have to remind my dear mother not to bring my jerk of a brother to any of our shopping trips ever again. This will be the first, and last. There won't be a next time.

Evan just stood there, looking pretty amused. His eyes were scanning me up and down like I was some kind of juicy steak. I scowled at him when I saw his eyes drop down to my chest. I immediately crossed my arms to hide my C cups. Please, like he's about to get near these babies? I don't think so.

I summoned the strength to strangle something out. "Hey."

He pointed at my shirt. "I love that graphic tee you got on."

I looked down at my shirt and realized he was looking at the skull and roses graphic. What a relief. All this time I thought he was looking at my breasts.

"Oh, hi there, Evan." Mom greeted him, and as the gentleman as he is, he gave my mom a peck on the cheek. Oh, so sweet.


"Nice to see you, Mrs. Johnson," he said sweetly. "You still look dazzling as ever." My mom looked like she was under his spell or something. I hate the fact that the idiot was such a charmer. How does he do it?

"Evan, would you and your friends like to join us at the food court? We decided to just eat dinner there."

Evan's eyes shot me an uncertain look. Don't you dare say yes. I was giving him the death glare, thinking he could read my mind. Gosh, I really wish I had ESP right now. It would definitely come in handy.

He smiled at mom. "Sure, Mrs. Johnson, we'd love to."

I think I'm officially dead.


We all ordered Panda Food Express. We all chose our seats. Evan, however, had to sit right in front of me. Clever boy. The little rat knew how to push my buttons.

While we were eating, I felt his shoe purposely bump into mine under the seat. I let it pass, but he did it again. I glared at him. Mom noticed me locking eyes with Evan.

"Something wrong, sweetie?"

I quickly averted my eyes to my plate. "Oh, nothing, Mom."

Trish and Sofie just giggled. They knew very well what was happening. I twirled my chow mein, and as I was sucking the noodles, I noticed Evan staring at me, biting his lower lip.

What the hell? Was he being turned on or something?

"Evan," mom interrupted, snapping him back to reality. "I heard you guys are going out tomorrow. Where to?"

Evan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Uh, yeah. It's just a simple dinner date. I made some reservations at that Italian restaurant called Cucina Italiana downtown."

My mom nodded, looking really impressed. I rolled my eyes. Are we really having this conversation? His gaze flitted over me, like he heard me.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Johnson, She'll be in good hands." He sent a wink my way.

As soon as he said those words, my gut instantly whispered to me that he's up to no good. I mean, this is Evan. My nemesis. It doesn't make any sense because we actually grew up hating each other and all of a sudden one day he seems to be into me?

Whatever's up his sleeve, I'll make sure to bring him down first.

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