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I stepped out of the shower and in to the steam filled bathroom. I dried off my hands and checked my phone to see what time it was. 7:34- I had about a half an hour until Jay came and picked me up to go on our first “date”. It weirded me out that we had already had sex before even going out, but considering the circumstances I looked past it. I finished drying off and pulled on a pair of jeans and my Nirvana t-shirt, and zipped up my old yet comfortable grey hoodie. I hope he hadn’t planned on going somewhere nice, because for one thing I wasn’t dressed the part and plus I wasn’t used to the whole ‘going out in public together’ thing. The last thing I needed was for people to find out about me and him. However, it did finally give me a reason to come out to everyone now.

The thoughts escaped my head and I continued getting ready. I finished 5 minutes before 8 o’clock, lastly spraying on my nearly empty Hollister cologne. I got a text from Jay saying he was at my apartment and I headed downstairs to the lobby of my building. He was waiting outside in his black BMW, playing around with his radio.

I opened the glass doors and walked to his car as the chilly night air rushed past my face. It was October now, and the weather had just begun to get colder. Fall was by far my favorite season, everything from the hoodies and the leaves and the bonfires at night, and especially Halloween and Thanksgiving. It was a wonderland for me.

I got in his car and as soon as I closed the door behind me he leaned over and kissed me for a good 10 seconds, not even acknowledging the fact that there were people around. He pulled away and smiled.

“I’ve been waiting to do that all day” He said as he drove away from my apartment.

“Well you’ve certainly become comfortable with being gay haven’t you?” I jokingly said.

“I’ve always been comfortable with it, I just never had a chance to express it with anybody”

“Well I guess that’s where I come in huh?”

“Thankfully yes, it is”

I looked over at him to see what he was wearing. He had on a pair of dark jeans and his black and gold 'Barrington High School Wrestling' jacket. Thank God he wasn’t dressed up, because that meant he didn’t have anything crazy planned.

“So what do you wanna do tonight?” I asked, curious as to where he was driving.

“Well…” He said sarcastically as he raised his eyebrows.

We both laughed, knowing that the joke was actually going to be true.

“But seriously Jay, where are we going?”

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled over. “Where do you wanna go?”

I looked around, and surrounding us was downtown Seattle. It was such a huge place that had endless possibilities, and here we were clueless of what to do. Outside my window at least 7 skyscrapers lined the streets, which led on to the big steel bridge that crossed over from the nicer part of the city to the, erm… not so nice part. I looked at the huge grey structure and noticed something that always confused me. At the very top of the supports, graffiti and street art lined every inch of metal. How did people do that without getting caught?!

 I snapped out of my random thoughts and got back to Jay.

“Well?” he said, waiting to pull away.

“I think I have an idea”

He looked at me with a confused face. “Well what is it?”

Without answering him I pointed up to the rusty and vandalized bridge. A devious smile grew across both our faces.

Danger (BoyXBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora