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“I don’t know, it was weird. We were just drinking and then all of a sudden he wanted to wrestle with me in our underwear” I pulled out my last cigarette, lit it, and let the wind blow the empty pack off the roof of my apartment building. “And then the weirdest part is that when he had me pinned I swear he leaned in for a kiss, but Angie called and interrupted him.”

Maya looked at me with a skeptical look on her face. “You said you guys were drinking, I doubt he even knew what he was doing. It was probably nothing”

“Well either way don’t tell anyone about it. He’s still a cool guy and if he found out I think he’s gay he won’t ever talk to me”

“Speaking of that, did you tell him?”

I rolled my eyes. “Hell no. I don’t need to spread that around to everybody.”

“He’s gonna have to find out sooner or later. You can’t hide it forever”

“Well that doesn’t mean I have to tell him now… Jesus I hung out with him once he doesn’t need to know my sexual orientation”

We laughed and Maya stood up. “You wanna go see a movie or something? It’s getting dark and being up here at night makes me feel like I’m gonna get murdered or some shit”

I got up and dusted off my pants. “Why not, I have nothing better to do on this wonderful Sunday night”

“Way to make me feel wanted” Maya said, leading the way down the fire escape.

We walked back inside and through the living room, passing my mom who was sleeping on the couch. I wrote a note telling her I went out and stuck it to the fridge. I grabbed my keys and we walked down to the garage, hopping in to my bright red jeep.

“So where’s Rick?” Maya asked, still concerned about what he did.

“I don’t know and I don’t care. He’s probably out at some disgusting strip club or something”

I started the car and drove out the opening of the parking garage. The cool night air of Seattle rushed past our faces and after a few minutes we arrived at the Carmike 11 Movie Theater. We hopped out and walked through the almost empty parking lot in to the theater.

“Where is everybody?” Maya asked.

“It’s a school night I guess, I think me and you are just the bad-asses that don’t have a bed time”

We laughed and I pulled open the doors, leading Maya through. We stood in line until an old woman with oversized glasses asked us what we wanted to see. “Uhh... can I get two for the 9:00 showing of The Purge?”

“Sure sweetie…” She slowly typed in the computer and handed me the tickets in exchange for the money.

Normally you have to be 18 to see an R rated movie but luckily the people here couldn’t give two shits.

“You want popcorn? I’ll buy it”

“I guess so, but I’m tryna watch my figure. My ass is lookin’ huge”

I laughed and rolled my eyes at her and walked up to the counter. A guy was turned around at the drink fountain, busy at work.

“Excuse me” I said, trying to get his attention.

He turned around and to my surprise, it was Jay.

“Hey what are you doing here?” he said with a smile.

“Me and Maya came to see a movie, I mean, obviously”

We laughed and he leaned on the counter.

Danger (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now