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I explained what had happened to him, putting emphasis on the parts where I told him how I got covered in his blood and carried him up a hill. Jay rubbed his head, sliding his hand over the stiches Will’s dad had put in, wincing at the pain.

“So I just tripped?”

“Yup. You were running and tripped on a rock and you went flying.”

“All I remember is looking back to see if they were still chasing me and then waking up here…”

“Well you’re pretty lucky you didn’t wind up in the hospital. They probably would have tested you to see if you had alcohol in your system.”

“Well thanks man… I really don’t know what to say. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably be lying passed out in the woods right now.”

I shrugged and smiled. “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing”

He lifted his eyebrows. ‘It’s not nothing, it’s a pretty big something. You’re covered in my blood and you don’t even really know me. You basically saved my life”

“I’m sure you would have done the same, or at least I’d hope so” I said, pretending like what I did wasn’t a big deal. 

“You know Cooper, you’re a pretty cool guy. We should hang out some time”

I heard Will’s car pull in the driveway from outside.

“That’d be fun… but first I feel like I should take a shower.”

We laughed and Will came in through the front door.

“Holy shit! You’re alive!” Will said as he came and sat down on the couch.

“I’ve got some pretty bad battle wounds but I think I’ll make it”

I laughed and stood up, grabbing my keys off the table. “I gotta head home, my mom’s probably flipping out.” J

ay looked up at me to say goodbye. “Thanks again man, you’re a lifesaver. Literally.”

“Anytime. I’ll hopefully see you around. And Will?”

Will looked over from inspecting Jay’s stitches. “Yeah?”

“Good luck with Maya, she definitely likes you”

His face lit up. “You think so?”  

I rolled my eyes. “I’m a hundred percent positive.”

He smiled and I nodded goodbye. I walked down his walkway to my car and drove home to my apartment.

I pulled in to the garage and shut off my car. I proceeded to the stairs that led to the 11th floor and pushed myself up the steps. It was almost 2 A.M. and I was worn out, specifically from running from the police. I unlocked the door to find Rick sitting on the couch, waiting.

“Where the fuck have you been kid?”

I looked past him in search of my mom, ignoring his remark.

“Your mom’s in bed. She’s been worried sick about you. I don’t exactly know why, you were probably just out drinking and smoking pot.”

I glared at him. “Where I go and what I do is none of your business.”

He stood up from his chair, a surprise considering how fat and lazy he was. “Oh isn’t it?”

“No, it isn’t. That means stay the fuck out of it”

He ran across the room and pinned me up against the wall, causing my head to smack up against it. “Don’t ever talk to your father that way”

Danger (BoyXBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora