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The three of us sat on the roof of my apartment, watching the cars and lights flash from below. Jay’s arm was around me as we leaned against the wall, keeping the both of us warm in the now cold fall air. Maya lit herself a cigarette, and the heat from the small flame quickly radiated around us.

Maya rolled her eyes at us. “Look at you two… all cuddled up together acting all cute n’ shit.”

“You know you’re jealous Maya” Jay said jokingly.

“Excuse me but I have a man, thank you very much. He would be here right now if you two decided to finally tell people about yourselves”

“It’s not that easy Maya… there’s consequences for this stuff ya know. Doing this is really dangerous” I said as she handed me my own cigarette.

“I know, I know… it’s just you two are too adorable to not want to show you off to everybody!”

We laughed and I stood up, leading the way back in to my room. “You guys wanna get something to eat? I’ll drive” I said as I grabbed my car keys off my dresser.

“I gotta head home. You two have fun” Maya said with a wink as she headed out my front door.

Jay walked over to me and leaned in, pressing me up against my wall. “I mean I’m kinda hungry…” he said, trying to kiss me.

I couldn’t help but to burst out in laughter. “That was probably the most disturbing thing I’ve heard all night”

“Aw come on, was it that bad?” He said with a smile.

“Yes, yes it was” I kicked my door shut quietly, trying not to wake up my mom. It was only 9:30 on a Saturday night, but with all the wine she’s been drinking lately she was out cold in her room.

I locked the door and threw Jay on to my bed, pulling off my shirt. I jumped on top of him as he rolled me over, kissing me over and over again as he attempted to rip of his hoodie. Cigarettes and cologne; the usual combination between the two of us. He took off his shirt, looking buffer than ever.

“Have you been working out?” I said during the brief pause of him throwing his belt to the side and unzipping his pants.

“Wrestling practice…” He leaned in and kissed me again, interrupting himself. “We have lifting every other day now. I’ve been drinking protein shakes”

I ran my hands across his abs and over his toned arms. “Damn… it’s working”

I threw my jeans to the side and we both were under my sheets in our underwear. I had left my window open and my room had become cold- but our warm bodies balanced out the heat. Soon we were left completely naked and the real fun had started…

Neither one of us really had an assigned “role” but tonight we both took a turn taking control of things. After going two times in a row we were laying backwards on my bed, cuddled up in each other’s arms.  The sheets were across the room, somewhere on top of where our clothes were. I pulled out another cigarette, blowing the long drag of smoke up in the air. It was silent between us for a while. I could tell Jay was worn out, and as I looked over at him he was sleeping. I rubbed my hand through his now ruffled brown hair and down his chest. I smiled to myself and sighed, sending myself in to more unnecessary thought. I loved him. I really did. I felt like the luckiest person in the world. I know it seems like I’m exaggerating on that considering I’m only 16 years old, but I haven’t been this happy in my entire life. All I want is to be with him, and I’m happy. I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing, as long as he’s right there with me I couldn’t have a care in the world.  I smiled to myself and began to drift off to sleep.

Danger (BoyXBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें