What Just Happened

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Ro's eyelids fluttered in the pressing darkness. She lifted herself to her elbows and shivered at the cool air blowing across her bare chest. She looked down at the sheets, about to pull them back up to her neck, when she realized they were striped. I don't have striped sheets, she thought to herself.

Ro looked around the room she was in. The walls alternated red and blue, with a white trim. A TV tray served as a nightstand with an alarm clock that read 4:00 AM.

She yawned but pushed her exhaustion aside. Her room was red, black, and white. No blue whatsoever. She looked at the trophies on the shelves attached to the wall, the huge TV, and the large remote that went with it. These weren't her things.

She swallowed loudly as she realized whose room she was in, and whose bed she'd been sleeping in. She heard movement outside the closed door and a lump formed in the back of her throat. She went rigid with fear as the door opened, afraid that she'd been discovered. A young man stepped through the door, and Ro stopped holding her breath.

She couldn't help smiling and blushing as he approached the bed. He was holding a cup o'noodles and two forks. Mico smiled, uncharacteristic for him, and handed her a fork.

"Well," she whispered, filling the silence.

He looked up from the soup and asked, "Are you sore yet?" Ro sat up more fully and stuck her fork in to grab some noodles. Crossing her legs and wincing, she nodded yes.

"Your first time usually does that to you." Mico was sitting cross-legged in his faviorite pair of boxers with a cocky smile plastered on his face. Ro rolled her eyes and ignored the flaming sensation in her cheeks.

The breeze that blew through the room made her shiver, and reminded her that she wasn't wearing a bra, let alone a shirt. Realizing she was topless, she was starting to remember just why, exactly, that that was the case.

"We..." She trailed off, unable to finish her question. Mico set down the noodles and paused, for a dramatic effect.

 "Oh yeah we did." Ro folded herself in half and shivered. Her head had landed on Mico's lap.

"I have to get up in two hours," she whispered.

"You have to come back in three hours to carpool," Mico reminded her, stroking her hair.

"I should go," Ro whispered, embarrassed and ashamed by what they had done. This would change everything.

His hands in her hair tightened around the strands they were holding and he said, "I slaved away in the kitchen for four minutes and even stopped the microwave one second before so it wouldn't beep. You're at least eating more noodles."

Ro knew Mico never smiled this much. It wasn't normal and she wanted it to keep happening. She sat up and did as she was told.

"Stop watching me, you creep," she teased as Mico stared at her.

He snapped, "Hey," and gently nudged her shoulder. She couldn't get enough of his smile. Teasing him was her favorite thing to do just because she could usually crack out that gorgeous smile.

When the noodles were gone she set down the cup and asked, "Satisfied?" His grin was the only reply she received. Ro leaned down the side of the bed and felt along the floor for her clothes.

She gathered her bra, thong, and nightgown in her grip. Pulling herself back up so that she was facing him she caught his eye. From the faint light in the room, his face was serious once again.

"Ro," he said, touching the side of her face. She waited, but he was speechless. After a moment more he released her, and she put on her clothes quickly. She climbed off the bed, stretched and smiled when Mico moved to her, placing his hands on her waist.

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