"Bye," I waved and she went out the door.

"Daddy?" I looked down at Lucy. "Where's mommy?"

I sighed and scooped her up. "Um, mommy's sick, honey. The people here are going to make her feel better."

"No mommy?" she asked.

"No...no mommy," I told her quietly. I kissed her forehead and carried her out of the room.

When I got to the waiting room, I found Quinn, Sheridan, Leah, Jace, and Jesse there. They all jumped up when they saw me.

"There you are!" Quinn exclaimed, rushing over to me, her blonde hair flying behind her. "The receptionist wouldn't let us go see Emily. She told us immediate family only," she said angrily. She was about to say something rude to the receptionist, but Jesse put his hand over her mouth.

"Don't even think about it," he said.

She grumbled, but shut up.

"How is she?" Leah asked me. I handed Lucy to her. "We're sorry we weren't here sooner; we were all away in Orlando visiting relatives and just heard the news yesterday."

"It's okay," I said.

"Hi, Uncle Austin!" Sheridan exclaimed from Jace's arms.

"Hey, Sher," I smiled before turning to everyone else. "She's doing okay. The nurse said she'll be fine, but I don't know when she's going to wake up."

"Someone broke into your house?" Jace asked. "Who the hell would do that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I was away when it happened. Taylor, Alex, and I rushed back here as soon as Emily called me. When I got there, she was out cold on the ground."

"So what exactly made her pass out?" Jesse asked.

"Blood loss. She gashed her arm wide open on a broken lamp."

He shuddered. "At least she's in good hands now." He turned to the receptionist. "Can we go see her now?"

"Immediate family only," she replied. "And I doubt any of you are immediate family, besides Mr. Mahone here."

"She's my sister," Jesse glared.

"Oh. Well, fine, you may go. The others must stay here until visiting hours are open to everyone. No exceptions," she added to Quinn, who was on the verge of doing something destructive.

"Go ahead," I told him.

"You sure you don't want to come?"

"I'll let you have some time alone with her. Don't worry about it; I've gone in a lot. She's in the IC unit, room 74."

He patted my back. "Thanks, Austin." He squeezed Quinn's hand before heading down towards intensive care.

"Where are Alex and Taylor?" Leah asked. She had set Lucy down in the little play pen with Sheridan, and the two were busy playing with the dolls.

"They went home to get a change of clothes," I replied.

"Emily's parents been in yet?" Jace asked.

"Yeah, they were here earlier this morning, same with my mom."

"It's probably a good idea they aren't here now," Quinn said. "Jesse told me Emily's mom is still keeping her distance, and it would be awkward if she was here at the same time as Jesse. Damn it, Emily and Jesse's mom. Do you know how long that's going to take me to get used to?"

I gave a small smile. "It still hasn't sunk in for me, either."

"That's awesome though. I'm so happy. Now I've got another sister! Well, not really, but still. I do what I want," Quinn said.

"We all know how true that is," Jace muttered. She smacked him in the arm, and he smacked her back.

"Don't hit girls!"

"I can hit you all I want, you're my sister!"

"I don't see you hitting Leah!"

"Leah isn't abusive towards me, unlike you."

"Don't test me, bro."

"Don't hit me, sis."

"Wanna fight? I'll take you right now, and I'll beat you just like all the other times when we were kids."

Jace turned to me. "Do you hear her right now?"

I couldn't help it; I started laughing. "Hey, I wish I had siblings. This is entertaining."

"Try living with it," Leah spoke up from beside Sheridan.

"I'll pass."

New Beginnings {ACM}Where stories live. Discover now