Chapter 8

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There were 9 people in the dining area when we entered. A tall older boy with raven hair stood laughing with a tall girl with hair almost as dark as his own, I recognized the girl as Ms. Quinzell. On a small couch in the corner of the room sat another older boy that had a streak of white in his dark hair and a girl with beautiful black hair with red tips. On the boy's lap sat a small girl who looked to be 5 or 6 and she was laughing at something at something the two was telling her. I smiled, they looked so happy. A girl with vibrant ginger hair with subtle blond streaks stared longingly at the food laid out on the table while a boy who looked slightly older than Damian with longish black hair laughed at her antics. Bruce and Alfred were now talking to my dad but someone was missing, Damian. I decided to go introduce myself to the people on the couch.

"Um, Hi. Im Willow."

"Hi Wil, Im Jason." I smiled and shook his hand.

"Im Serenity and-" The little girl cut her off.

"Im Layla. What happened to your face?" I giggled and smiled.

"I fell down the stairs at my house, im very clumsy."

"So is Bex. She falls down the stairs here a lot too." I laughed.

"Im going to go introduce myself to some other people any recomendations." I asked the last part sarcastically.

"Sonya and Dick are really nice but beware, Dick is a hugger." Serenity answered with the same sarcastic tone. She pointed to them and I smiled and walked over to them.

"Hi, Im Willow."

Sonya smiled. "You sat with Damian in my English class today. "

"Oh my gosh she did! Dami made friends!" I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing. This is Grayson I was assuming. He squeezed me in a tight hug, "You have done the impossible Willow!"

"He's really nice I dont see why this is so surprising." I asked slightly confused.

"I beg to differ," A voice said from behind me. " Hi, Im Tim Drake"

"Im Willow I said turning to face Tim and the girl that was staring at the food earlier.

"Im Bexley and ignore him, Damian isnt that bad. Tim is just envious."

"I am not envious!"

I laughed at the boys surprised expression.

"Dick, can we eat now?" Bex whined.

"Bruce told us to wait for Little D."

"Dont call me that Grayson." Damian called from the doorway.

"Hello Willow, Im sorry I kept you waiting with my brothers."

"They are not that bad Damian." I countered.

Layla came running from her spot with Jason and Serenity.

"Dami can we pwease eat now." She begged grabbing his hand. It was really freaking adorable. Damians facial expression softened into a faint grin.

"Sure Layla." She ran off to tell Jason and Serenity.

Damain led me to a seat at the table. Damian sat to the left of me and Dick sat to my right. The food was delicious. Dad and Bruce came in with Alfred halfway through the meal and ate. After we ate we sat at the table and talked. Damians brothers sure like to embarrass him.

I was in the middle of a conversation about pie with Dick when my dad called me out into the hallway to talk to him.

Once we were in the hall he turned to me.

" I think you should tell them."

"Dad are you kidding me?! I just met them!"

"You can trust them Will, Ive known Bruce since we were kids."

"Are you sure dad? What if they dont want to be my friends anymore? Most people dont take kindly to a family of vigilantes like ours." My dad chuckled and motioned for me to walk back into the room. I sighed and walked back in with my dad. I was nervous, they all seemed like really nice people and I didnt want them to hate me. That would be very bad.

I cleared my throat. "Um, I have something to tell all of you." they all looked up from the conversations that they were having. "I, um, I'm not sure how to put this." Damian looked at me skeptically. "I happen to be the vigilante Blue Jay and I value honesty so i don't want you to pretend to be my friend, I don't blame you if you want me out of your life." I looked at the ground scared to look at their expressions.

I heard Bruce chuckle. "We happen to have a little secret of our own. Dont we?" He nodded to everyone else and they just got up and left the room. I stood beside Dad, Bruce, and Alfred as they all smiled at me.

"What are you all smiling about?"

"If you would follow me Ms. Jamison" Alfred led Me, my father, and Bruce towards a grandfather clock and moved the hands. The clock slid away from the wall to reveal a tunnel. After what seemed like lots of walking the tunnel opened up into a large cave like room that I recognized. It was the Bat Cave.

The all so familiar heroes stood in a line by a big computer. All of them had their masks in their hands. Two of them I didn't recognise, it was the heroes of Layla and Sonya. They stood smiling at me as i stood dumfounded. Dick was nightwing. Sonya was a hero with a pale yellow tunic and brown leggings with a brown mask in her hands with an "F" on her chest, I'm assuming it stands for Finch, the hero that was said to have retired 5 years ago. Jason was the Red Hood, I didn't expect that. Serenity was Red Wing, the hero that came out of retirement only a few years ago. Little Layla was in an all red suit with orange shoes and an orange mask with an orange "C" on her chest. Cardinal maybe? Bexley looked the most intimidating with her all black assassin like outfit. She was Fox, the hero Batman brought into the light. Tim was Red Robin. Damian was decked in red, yellow, and green. If he was Robin then that meant that Bruce was Batman.

"I have been fighting alongside you guys since I was 11 years old! You have helped me out so many times and I didn't even figure one of you out! How did you manage that!" I was amazed. I had suspisions about Damain but I did not expect this!

Bruce smiled at me. " How would you and Sparrow like to train with us?"

"I'll have to ask her but im sure she would love to!" I was elated. I looked up to all of these heroes since I was a kid and now they are standing right infront of me.


A Bluejay And Her Robin {Damian Wayne}Where stories live. Discover now