He makes a fair point, and honestly, I wouldn't mind spending ten minutes in a car with him. Something doesn't feel right though and I realise immediately what it is. I haven't thought about him in about ten whole minutes. Since the minute Delmar introduced us, I've only had impure thoughts about the man standing in front of me. That was progress surely? Before I over analyse it I nod, probably a little too eagerly and hook the shopping bag over my shoulder.

"That would be very kind Laurent, thank you. You have room for the bike?" I glance over my shoulder.

"Oui. I think so." He turns his head to look across the street to where a huge black range rover is parked half on the kerb with it's hazard lights flashing.

He goes to the bike and guides it across the road to where his car is parked, and then with very little effort lifts it up and places it in the boot. I climb into the passenger seat and close the door, pull on my seat belt and settle the shopping bag on my lap, holding the straps together to ensure nothing else falls out. The seat is leather and it cools the back of my neck and legs. When Laurent gets in and starts the engine, the aircon starts immediately and settles comfortably over my hot skin. Although when Laurent turns to smile at me it definitely gets fractionally hotter - which was good. This was all good. It was progress.

Then it occurs to me - I literally know nothing about this man. He could be an axe murder for all I know. A French axe murderer? Is that even a thing? Surely it is. But then, Delmar knew him and where he lived - they seemed like old friends even, and so most likely I'm being overly paranoid. Calm down Alex. He isn't hiding a massive potentially life changing secret from you. They don't all do that.

"So, where too mademoiselle?" He says turning to face me.

"The house just past yours with the English rose bushes out front and the Union Jack flag on the roof please Monsieur - you really can't miss it." I tell him.

"Ah! Yes! I know the very one." He says, chuckling quietly before pulling out onto the very wide French road.

Neither of us speak for a few moments but then as is always the case, we both turn our heads round and go to speak together. I gesture for him to go on because quite honestly, I like hearing him talk - his voice is deep and male and I like that in a mans voice. It sort of reminds me a little of - stop it - but then actually it doesn't sound anything like his because Laurent's accent is thick and French. Not East end and rough. "I saw you riding." He says flashing me a wide smile. "On the way here. I thought I'd imagined you."

I smile. "You did?"

"Oui. It was an unexpected sight actually. Horses, yes, chickens, yes, grapes,yes. Pale women in yellow dresses on green bikes? Non." He shakes his head and turns to smile at me again - a smile which is definitely flirtatious now. It tightens something inside me.

"Yes well, I am very pale. It's a curse in summer." I turn to look out the passenger side window. He used to talk about how pale I was too. It feels odd discussing that with another man, though maybe I'm reading too much into that too. "Mais une femme sur un vélo dans le pays ne peut pas être inhabituelle sûrement ?" I muse quietly. Women on bikes can't be that rare, surely?

He laughs quietly. "Peut-être pas. Mais ils ne normalement vous ressemblent." he says. Maybe. But they don't normally look like you.

I smile and gaze down into the shopping bag for something to do with my eyes. Is he flirting? Am I? Am I flirting with someone who isn't him? I'm enjoying the company of a man who isn't him and so it feels like it might be. What does it mean that I'm enjoying Laurent's company?

Into the Dark (ORIGINAL AND UNEDITED EDITON)Where stories live. Discover now