I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream - Andy Biersack Imagine

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Your best friend since for fucking ever, the one and only, Mr. Pale Blue-eyed Angel, Andy is coming over at your house. You just broke up with your boyfriend and he’s here to comfort you after a rough breakup.

“I really hope he stays the night, I don’t wanna sleep this night."

You heard a knock on the door and lazily got up off your bed, already in tears. You open the door and see a heartbroken Andy leaning on the door frame, his eyes shined with a sad glow, his facial expression soft and lips chapped.

As soon as you opened to door, his head shot up and his arms found your small body in a second. His strong embrace gave you courage to cry again so you snaked your arms around his and laid your palms on his shoulders as you sobbed again.

He nuzzled his face into you hair and kissed the top of your head without a word, just started swinging you left to right as you continued to sob into his chest, trembling under the memories.
He then swung you in the air, you kicked your legs limply around his waist and he carried you upstairs.
“I will get her better, Miss, don’t worry, she’s my best friend, I couldn’t leave her." - Andy spoke to your worried mother and she nodded.
“Could you get us some popcorn or ice-cream a little later? I have a feeling it’s gonna be movie night" - he smirked and looked at you, a smile was splattered across your as well.
You nodded slowly and he chuckled waving to your mother when he continued the journey up to your room.
After calming down a little, enough to stutter out, you whispered “A-A-Andy. Tha-Thanks, I lo-o-ove yo-u"
He pecked your cheek and replied “I-It’s no pro-o-oblem" he teased and earned a slap on his shoulder.
“Punishment fits the crime" he frowned.
“You bet" you spat out.
You got to you bedroom door and he put you down so you could open them. Once you did, he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to your bed and sat beside you, preparing himself to listen all about your idiot boyfriend, but instead you crawled onto his lap and laid on his chest, breathing heavily, tears choking you every three breaths.
He was confused but went with the flow and pushed himself all the way against the wall and embraced your small frame in his loving arms, pulling you as close to him as he could.
“I don’t even know how to say it" you started and he slowly began rubbing circles on your back as you continued “I don’t even know what happened. We just… Drifted apart.
“Another wave of tears crashed over you and your tear-stained face found itself in your hands as Andy’s long fingers took a hold of the back of your head and gently laid it further into his chest before kissing the top of your head.
He cuddled you until you were able to speak again. You pulled away a bit and looked into his electric blue eye, catching him staring right back at you. You lowered your head and played with his tattoos, outlining each with your fingertips.
“Andy, whatever happens with us, promise me, swear on your grandfather’s grave, on Black Veil Brides, that you will never leave me and that you’ll always be there for me."
"[Y/N]," he cupped your face gently and spoke to you in a heartbreaking whisper “Until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east-"
“Until the rivers run dry," - you cut him off and continued - “and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves…"
“I will love you with all my heart" you spoke in unison and he kissed your forehead, not bothering to pull away straight away as you closed your eyes and sighed heavily.
He pulled back just as a knock was heard at the door.
“I’ll take it later, thank you so much"
“Okay, have fun. Andy, please take care of her."
“I always have and always will" - Andy replied to your mom while still holding your face.
“I’ll be right back, babygirl, okay?"
You moved so he could get up and he came back with a big container of ice-cream.
“Wanna watch…" he started but no idea was coming out his mouth.
“Ninth Gate."
“Oh, well, we have a winner!" he exclaimed and you both chuckled as he played the movie.
He came back and took a fuzzy blanket which he used to cover the two of you. You got comfortable laying your head in the crook of his neck and your arm around him, the other one laying over his chest, his arm on your back supporting you while the other caressed your hair.
He noticed you were really sleepy halfway through the movie so he lowered the volume of the TV and softly sang The Mortician’s Daughter to you and right before drifting to sleep you whispered in a husky voice - “Screw him, he never sang to me. Thanks for being the bestest friend ever"
You kissed his neck and drifted with “I love you more than I can ever scream" coming from Andy ringing in your head

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