Introduction + Emails

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First of all, introduction of who you are in this story. Plus some little keys so you know what they are.

(Y/N) - Your Name
You are a 22 year old YouTuber who lives with Zoe Sugg, Alfie Deyes and Joe Sugg in Brighton.
(H/C) - Hair Colour
(H/L) - Hair Length
(Y/F/N) - Your First Name
(Y/M/N) - Your Middle Name (if have one)
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
(Y/N/N) - Your Nickname
(Y/Y/N) - Your YouTube Name
(S/N/N) - Subscribers Nickname (like Danosaurs or Phillions)
(F/C) - Favourite Colour
At the beginning of each chapter I will add what key will be in it. Anyways on with the chapter.


I woke up the next morning, by the sound of the alarm. I didn't want to get of bed as it so comfy and warm. I moved my arm out of the duvet, shivering by the coldness of the bedroom and turned the alarm off.

By the 5th try, the alarm finally turned off. I quickly placed my arm back underneath the duvet and snuggle into it, closing my eyes again.

Suddenly, my duvet has been pulled off me, making all the cold air from the rest of the room hit me, making me shiver. "(Y/N) wake up!" I hear someone say, but I didn't open my eyes.

"(Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) GET OUT OF BED THIS INSTANT!!" I still didn't move. "JOE! Get in here please!" I then realise that it's Zoe. Whenever Zoe wakes me up, its either something really important or that I've slept in and its now the afternoon.

"What is it Zo?" I heard Joe say. "(Y/N) won't get out of bed." Next thing I knew, someone has grabbed my leg and I was pulled out of bed. I fell straight on my back and my eyes flickered open.

"I'm up! I'm up!!!" I said standing up, rubbing my back in the process. "Get dressed, it's 1pm, you missed breakfast. Your lunch is getting cold, plus you promise your (S/N/N) a video today, so you better get going." Zoe said leaving, with Joe following behind her.

When they left, I made my way to my wardrobe and grabbed my (F/C) t-shirt and black jeans. When I was fully dress, I went into the bathroom to fix my (H/L) (H/C) hair and applied some light make up. When I finished getting changed, I made my way downstairs and grabbed some lunch.

"Hey (Y/N/N)!" I turned around and saw Alfie waving at you, "Hi Alf!" I said, returning the wave. When I finished my lunch, I sat down on the sofa, watching something that I have no clue of. Zoe was snuggling into Alfie and Joe was sitting on the floor, going through Twitter.

After that programme finished, I stood up and stretched. "Hey, Joe?" I asked and he looked up at me. "Would you like to be in a video with me?" He stood up and stretched too. "Sure (Y/N)!" We made our way to room and I set up everything, camera, tripod, lighting etc.

When the filming was done, I placed the memory card in my laptop and saved it, so I could edit it later. I went to the kitchen afterwards and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Then I heard my phone ping from my pocket. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and heard everyone else's phone ping.

I walked to the sofa and sat down, unlocking my phone in the process. It was an email. "Do you guys get an email from YouTube?" Joe asked us. "Yeah." Alfie, Zoe and I said in unison. I opened the email, "Dear (Y/Y/N), Vidcon is nearly here and we are hoping that you will be joining us. If you are not coming, please email us back. In this email is the information about what plane you will be going on, and what will be happening within the time you are there, meaning when you have a panel with friends, meeting fans, days off and other thing. Hope to see you there, from YouTube." I said.

I didn't know if I wanted to go. I mean, it would be fun to meet up with other YouTubers, but then again, I really didn't want to go abroad as I maybe home sick. "So are you going (Y/N)?" Zoe asked me, "Because this is your first time going to Vidcon." I thought for a moment. "I don't know really, I would love to but I think I will feel homesick if I do go.." I said.

Zoe untangled herself from Alfie and walked towards me, "You'll be fine (Y/N/N), we're all here to keep you company. We are like family." Zoe said smiling, which made me smile too. I thought about it again, They are like my family... My smile grew wider.

"Guess I'm going to Vidcon!"

A/N Welcome to the new story, hope you like. This is the first ever x reader I have done, so bare with if it's crap. I will try my best to make it better along the way. Don't forget to vote/ comment and share with friends. And as always...

I'l see you later my pretty little pompoms x

Bye x

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