Dancing among the Stars 27

Start from the beginning

"Two nights ago?"

"Yes. That's when I told him to leave, that it was over." Namid sighed and the lines on her face briefly deepened.

Rose felt a stab of sadness for her mother, "Over?"

"Over." Namid nodded. "I do not know if it was also the end of our friendship, but I hope not."

Rose smiled, "Nyesh spoke to me today in the marketplace."

"He did?"

"Asked me if I would accompany him to a walk in the gardens tomorrow night."

Namid grinned, clutching the locket at her throat, "Go then, by all means, have some fun."

Rose smirked, "I believe I will, Mother."

Namid smoothed stray strands of hair from her daughter's face. "Oh, Rose, you've grown up so fast, I hardly recognize the girl I used to play with."

Rose chuckled embarrassedly, "Mother!" Please, stop it."

"You're not a child anymore, I know."

"No, stop denying that you still love the man."

"Your father? Of course I love him."

Rose laughed lightly, "I meant the thief. Nyesh's father."

Namid's face went blank, "Rose…"

"That's the awfulness of love isn't it, Mother?" "You find out your in love, but then there's duty to consider."

"Rose…I never meant to betray your father like that, by still loving Rakab but—"

"But he never noticed did he?" Rose replied.

"Oh, believe me, he noticed." Namid answered, "He was angry as well."

Rose walked outside, to the gardens and plucked a lilac flower from a cluster, sniffing it. "Mmm…" "Springtime is lovely, isn't it?"

Namid chuckled, "This is about the time I found out about Rakab's dilemma …" "I remember I was by that arch of ivy over there," Namid pointed to a silver arch almost covered in small white flowers ands ivy. "And Bialas told me."

"Who is Bialas?"

"One of the Sheeva Intre. Rakab is the leader of that group, the last I heard from them was when you were born. The healer, Sheila, had come to help me get over the long and tiring months when I was pregnant and also helped when I gave birth. After that, I have heard nothing of them or of their whereabouts…"

Rose cocked her head, "You miss them?"

"Sometimes I—I dream. Of that one night when we danced the Hara'Jaud dance." "Nothing else seemed real, only the music, the dancing and him…"

Rose smiled, "Well you'd better get back to Aunt Oliza."

Namid took Rose's shoulder, "Listen, whatever happens in the future," she sighed; "I will always love you, no matter what."

Rose nodded, solemnly.


Nyesh watched from the bushes as Namid left and smiled, "You are beautiful, Rose." He murmured, "Even in Demi-form." He chuckled and took a necklace from his pocket. It was of a red rose on a golden chain with the words: "La'vehelars'beat'in'sheeva'intre'yet'a 'bloom' in'toth. " engraved on the back of the flower.

Our hearts beat in cold silence, yet to bloom in love.

Nyesh grinned, "You've captivated me in a spell I cannot break."

Élan smirked, "Thought you hated her."

"I did…until a god came to me, a few nights ago, and told me to protect her from a threatening force, soon to strike."

The panther laughed, "Which god was that?"

"The Lupine's god, Helaku." Nyesh replied.

"You're an odd one, my friend." Élan grinned, clapping Nyesh on the shoulder. "Very odd."

"We thieves are odd." Nyesh replied. "A favorite saying of mine."

"Since when?" Elan raised a questioning brow.

Nyesh shrugged and smiled crookedly, "She's a beauty."

Élan rolled his eyes, "You do realize she hates you?"

"I do." Nyesh replied, his voice distant.

"Then stop ogling her, lover-boy." Élan took his friend's arm and led him away, "You know what you need, Nyesh?"

"What's that?" Nyesh answered.

"A very stiff drink."

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