10. His Side of the Story

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As soon as they materialized in the house, both Severus and Thea collapsed on the couch. Severus's heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to come out of his chest and Thea's was behaving the same.

"I honestly thought we were goners," Thea revealed. "I can't believe she thought I was you."

Severus looked over at her. Her dark brown eyes were already stuck on his dark orbs. "She knows I'm clever and she's one of the brightest witches in her generation. I'm not surprised she thought I might use Polyjuice Potion to become someone else. That's a very good idea actually." He looked away from her and focused his attention on the ceiling. "Now that I'm here I could brew some. If only I had access to my stores at home. Nearly all of it at the school was used up already between some very devious students and a Death Eater who decided to dress up as one of our professors."

Thea continued to stare at him. "Mad-Eye Moody, right?"

He smiled. "Yes."

"Your life has been very...interesting."

"That's the word I would use."

Silence fell between them for a moment. Despite the fact that Severus was studying the ceiling, Thea couldn't take her eyes off of him. She hadn't been this 'at ease' with anyone in a very long time. After what happened at Beaubaxtons, she never thought she would be able to be close to anyone again. That had caused her to have major trust issues. Severus could be the very person to squash the theory that she would never open up to anyone again. Maybe one day she would even get up the nerve to tell him what happened. After all he had seen in his life, if anyone could understand betrayal, it would be him.

A sudden knock at the door caused both of them to raise in alarm. Thea silently instructed Severus to get out of sight. His heart rate had finally begun to slow, but now he could feel it rising again as he got to his feet. Two uninvited guests, three if you count the Shipleys as more than one, was quite enough for him. He hurried out of sight just as Thea walked up to the door. But he was watching her closely this time. She wasn't going to get hurt again.

Thea opened the door just a tiny crack to see who was standing on the other side. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the young face of Harry Potter. She flung the door open and invited him in.

"I'm afraid I can't stay. The Ministry is going to wonder what happened to me. But I did want to drop someone by. She asked and I couldn't refuse. I checked to make sure you were gone from the tower before we came. I came with her to show her where you were and to make sure it was okay she stayed for a bit."

"Who?" Thea asked.

Hermione stepped into view. Her expression was sheepish. "I'm sorry for what happened back there. I really thought you were him."

Thea looked at Harry with uncertainty. "I don't know. I think I'd better ask Severus."

Harry nodded in understanding. "She just wants to hear his side of the story, ask some questions. She saw the memories. His memories. She understands that he's always been on our side now. She's just curious."

"I can speak for myself," Hermione scolded. She looked at Thea. "Please."

Thea looked back into the house. She knew Severus could hear what was going on. Hermione already knew he was there. "Severus, it's up to you."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. So Hermione had seen his memories, had she? What were the questions then? What is it that she wanted to know? He pressed his lips together. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Let her in."

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