Getting along

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FLORA is part of the Winx,an elite group of Alfea's best faries.They are my neighbors so I have to try to get along with them.There are doors leading to groups of four or six dorms. The group of dorms in which Flora took me had four dorms all of them empty so I just chose one which I liked the best.I repainted and redecorated it with the knowledge I got from the book Grizelda gave me after I gave her Faragonda's card.I learned that I told literally absorb knowledge.Flora told me I could trust the Winx( who were her friends)with the knowledge of my element.

I went to thier group of dorms(also called a compartment)to meet them since Flora forced me too.

Flora nudged me and told in a quite voice to say 'Hi.'

"Hi!I am Lance who is currently living in your neighboring compartment and is a fairy of Nature's Death.",I said with a fake 'I am dying in happiness'-look and a smile.

"Like we're buying that from a talking donkey.Donkeys can't be fairies!?",said Layla who was a brunette with a dark complexion.

"Oh!What is wrong with these people!?Are they all having bad eyesight or something?",I said dramatically with hurt in my voice as Flora patted my head as she said,"There,there.It will be alright." like an older sister would (but I am at least as old as her or older in reality).

Flora explained my story and the Winx became more understanding towards me as time flew by.We became a team bonded by friendship but I refused to be part of the Winx since I would always be part of my old gang.

Together we beat Layla's evil polluted cousin Tritanus who tried to be come the emperor in the place of Layla's uncle Neptune.We also beat up the Trix who had a grudge against the Winx since they were defeated by them several times.In the process we leveled up as Sirenix faries and got to make a wish.I wished to see my old friends again someday.

Bloom (princess of Sparx)who was the ringleader of the Winx(she had blue and flaming red hair)and the one and only fairy of the Dragon Flame,wished for the Sirenix curse to be lifted so her sister Daphne was back to being a solid nymph again(she used to be a apiration like thing because of the curse).

Flora (citizen of Lynphea and the healer of our group)wished for all the pollution to go away(naturally).

Layla (she was the princess of Andros, the fairy of the waves and so used morphix magic)wished for Tritanus' brother not to die.

Musa (citizen of Melody)who was the fairy of music(she had pale skin, prussian blue hair and narrow eyes) wished to bring her mother back to life(she had lost her at a young age)but it was the only wish that wasn't fufilled.

Tecna(she is a girl from Zenith with magenta colored, asymmetrical bob-styled hair, teal eyes, and fair skin tone)who was the fairy of Technology(she is as smart as me when it comes to Technology) wished that Zenith(her homeland) was connected and united with the other kingdoms in the magic dimension.

Stella (the blondie joker and fashionista of the group and the princess of Solaria)who was the fairy of the Sun and the Moon,wished her divorced parents would always listen to each other and herself.

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