Justin 18: The truth revealed

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When I got in front of the door, I opened it slowly, seeing her plug in the Christmas lights. She even opened the small window in front of her. Then she sat there on the edge of the bed.

Before I went in, I closed the door slowly behind me and went to her.

It was as quick as the wind. "Ariana."

I looked at her and saw her asleep. It's so amazing and funny how she sat on the bed, her eyes closed like she's being massaged. She looked comfortable.


I sighed and sat beside her, pushing low the bed where I spaced and making her head slowly lean on my shoulder.

I smiled and looked outside, at the city lights. The very innocent ones. The people who had second thoughts.. Of us. I honestly don't know why we can't be ourselves. We can but, it's simply difficult. Why do we have to protect ourselves from the people we love?

I looked at the sleeping Ariana. Her tall and thin nose wrinkled when she felt the cold air touch her skin. I chuckled.

The smile on my face faded when I felt my heart skipped a beat.

No, I thought to myself.

Before I could lose my mind, I supported her back and slowly helped her lay down on the bed.


It has been 30 minutes of meditating and just clearing my mind about some "things" that would make me go crazy.

I felt her move in bed then she groaned.

I looked at her through my peripheral vision and quickly looked away when she slowly got up.

"Hey," she mutters, her voice ruffled — probably because she just woke up. "What are you doing here?" She stretched her arms, showing a little more of her skin.

Stay cool, jb. "Was just exploring the house and saw this room. I didn't know you were here."

"Oh. How many minutes have I been sleeping?" She panicked a little bit.

"I don't know. Just came here." Liar.

She chuckled and itched on her back. Then she let herself fall on the bed, closing her eyes in the process.

There were at least 5 dry seconds before I asked, "Are you going back to sleep?"

She sighed heavily before replying. "I'm just seizing the moment." She smiled. "Just holding unto it while I still can."

Her words cut through my soul. I don't know what she's talking but with our situation... It may be connected.

We didn't do anything for 5 minutes. Just ignoring each others presence. I felt like I needed to leave. I stood up slowly and that made her open her eyes. "Where are you going?"

I lowered my head. "I'm heading back. Maybe you need to rest."

I was about to leave when I heard her, "can I ask you some favor?"

I looked back at her, and she was already seated. "Sure. What is it?"

"Can you stay? For a while?"

As much as I wanted to ignore the feeling, I couldn't. She's still my weakness. I sighed heavily. "Alright."

Her smile made my night. It was so pure and innocent.

I took a seat beside her and we both looked outside, back again to the city lights. Her thighs touched mine and it bothered me for a little bit. I felt an electricity which made me distance myself from her.

[A/N: play 'spaces' by one direction. The feels :-)]

"Sorry." Her word surprised me.

I looked at her and chuckled, "for?"

Ariana slowly hooked her arms on mine and pulled me closer to her. She leaned sidewards and rested her head on my shoulder. "For the thing."

I know what thing that is but I wanted for her to tell me more. "What thing?"

"I just realized, we never really had a proper talk about it."

We never left our eyes on the beautiful scenery.

"Oh." It was so serious that if ever I laugh, it would be so embarrassing.

"I'm genuinely happy for you and Hailey."

And now we're talking about Hailey. It felt so awkward. Or at least for me it is.

"And I don't honestly know her but I think she's a wonderful girl."

"She is."

It was all quiet. Dry.

Then she scooted closer to my arms.



"Is there something wrong?" The way she talked about it out of no where, I felt like she's hiding something — a deep wound.

I didn't hear her say anything but I felt a tear drop down my arm. And that made me look at her. Her eyes were closed and she was just shedding tears on my arm.

I didn't want to pry more about her feelings. So I just let her feel what she's feeling.

Then she looked up at me and maybe she saw how much I cared for her so she chuckled and wiped away the tears. "I feel so embarrassed. Why am I crying?" She sat up and arranged herself.

Then we were silent. It was just the wind blowing from outside. She looked at me again, changing from the crying to a determined Ariana. "I have to tell you something."

I feel so nervous. I can feel my heart banging so hard like it wanted to leave my body. "O-Okay. What is it?" 

It was so intimidating. "Justin,"

"Ari?" I asked and what she said next made me go crazy. It was so slow that it also made my world slow down.

"I still like you."


I still like you.. I still like you.. I still like you... I still like you..

Brb, crying.

Lol just kidding.

Btw guys, i'd like to put on more pics of them since I think it's pretty cute :-)

What do you guys think?

Anyway, thanks for supporting not only me but Jariana :p

P.S. I hope everyone's safe. I'm hearing a lot of bad news these days. #keeppraying

Xx God bless loves

Jariana: Best mistake Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant