Chapter 4

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We have been driving for at least two hours. We haven't moved out of the city yet, and we were still a good distance away from King's County. I was getting tired. Staying up all night is now starting to affect me, but I can't let it show. This has to continue this way until I can assure everyone that they will receive safety. What can a small ten minute nap do?

I closed my eyes and tilted my neck so my head laid on Daryl's shoulder. He moved his arm so my head will land on his chest, and tilted his body a little bit.

"Merle, Daryl has the map, listen to his directions." I said as I fell into a light sleep.

I was jerked forward when Merle slammed on the breaks of the truck. I shot up in my seat and looked at him. Only, my face never got to fully turn when I saw hundreds of walkers blocking the way. The sound of screeching brakes must have notified them of our presence because they all turned towards us.

I unbuckled my belt and rolled the window down. "What are earth do ye think yer gonna do?" Daryl's southern accent yelled.

"I need to warn the others to back up." I said as I crawled over his lap. He held my waist, not allowing me to move out.

I pulled myself as hard as I could until I turned to him and yelled at him to let me go. With a huff of frustration he refused. A walker was coming near, faster than the others. If I didn't act now, the rest were going to surround us, and there will be no way for our escape. I grabbed my knife just as the walker neared me, and stabbed it.

"Daryl! Let go!" I screamed, attracting more from the woods around us. I was in panic mode that the second Daryl's arms loosened I was on the bed of the truck, calling out to the others.

Unfortunately, the Honda was blocked out by the Tuscan and they couldn't see me. I couldn't touch the floor because that will make me an easy target for the zombies. I jumped onto the hood of the Tuscan, Glenn giving my a head shake in disapproval. Nevertheless, I continued.

As I got to the roof of the car, dad looked at me. His eyes were wide when I moved my hands in the motion to retreat. Immediately, he moved his car to reverse, Glenn following motion, almost causing me to fall. I grabbed onto the window and held on. I looked behind us to see that Merle and Daryl were following. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Carly!! Jump!" Merle said as he speed to catch up.

I steadied myself on the roof, getting ready to jump. I felt as if I was Dom from the Fast and Furious movie. I jumped.

Although, Merle hit a bump in the road, making him turn the wheel a bit to keep the balance. Only, I was already off the Tuscan, causing me to land on the side of the bed. I held on, my feet slightly dragging on the floor.

"Carly!" Daryl yelled. I held on tightly, praying that I wouldn't lose my grip and fall. If I fell, I would die. There will be no way in surviving this if I fall. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I resisted the urge to wipe them. If I wipe them, I will fall.

Saying that I was scared is an understatement. Right now, I can swear that I saw my life flash before my eyes. I tried to pull myself up, but at the speed we are going, the gravity is is getting stronger and my arms aren't strong enough to rebel against it.

I continued to fight against the laws of gravity, and tried with all my energy and might to pull myself up, but gravity was winning. I swung my leg over the ledge of the truck, trying to get a good grip, only having it to slide off with a sharp pain.

Despite the speed we were going, I could see the blood running down my leg, and dropping on the floor, attracting the walkers attention even more. I could have sworn I saw one of them wearing a wicked smile. My hands were slipping, and I was trying my best to re-catch it, but it wasn't working. I was panicking more, and I was pretty sure that I was going to have a heart attack. Merle, hit a bump in the road, and my already slipping hand came off completely.

I screamed. My fingers glided against the floor and my heart was quickening. I regained the grip with my hand just as Glenn drove as close as he could. I pressed my feet against the car and felt hand grabbing my arms. I panicked a little, until I looked up and saw Daryl there. He grabbed onto my arms and pulled me up as best as he can.

I pushed myself away from Glenn's car and landed in the bed of the truck hyperventilating against Daryl's chest. His arms wrapped tightly around me, trying his best to keep me calm. I gripped my hair and tugged with all my might, wishing for them all to come out. Daryl took my hands away from my hair and brushed away the fresh tears that were falling down my face.

Normally, I would move his hands and hide my emotions and tears, but this time was different. I nearly died. If Daryl wasn't there, I could've fallen... I would've been dead. The others would have to leave and they would never get to sanctuary. I gripped Daryl's shirt and cried into his chest. His calloused and shaky hands running up and down my back, in a soothing order.

I know he is furious with me. I know he wants to yell and scream at me for being so stupid. I know that he was concealing his anger because he knows that now wasn't the time. I know that he is trying to get through this without hurting me.

I also know that he is scared of losing me. He is scared that I am going to do something else. He is scared that I will get myself scared. He is scared that I might leave him and the group. He is scared I will stop loving him. He is scared because he wants me to be there. But how can I be there, when I am somewhere else?

He wants me to share all my thoughts, and fears with him... But how when they are all locked away in my mind, behind chambers and doors and locks...

I sit there for hours. Daryl and I, in the bed of the truck, not saying a word. The only sounds is the tires against the gravel, concrete, or asphalt, mine and Daryl's breathing, and nature. Nothing else.

There is no walkers. No killers, or rabies filled dogs. It's just us.

As I held on to him tightly, I kept whispering how sorry I was, how stupid I was. I sat there and rambled on about how right he was. I sat there and wished that I would've just listened to him and everything would be okay. We'd be sitting in the car, next to Merle. My head would be on his shoulder or lap, not stuffed into his chest. My eyes would be fine, not irritating, or puffy. My throat would be sore for laughing so hard, not crying and screaming.

Everything would be different if I would've just listened to him.

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