Her eyes widened and she laughed. “Why do you want a tan? I don’t think you’ve ever had one.”

“I just want a tan alright?” I snapped.

Shay took me to the closest tanning salon there was and we went inside looking at all of the tan people in the store. 

A tanned blond greeted us with a huge smile on her face. “Welcome to Sunkissed. How can I help you?”

“I’d like to get a spray tan, please.” I said, looking around the store. Everybody had a perfect tan and I felt like an outcast with my light skin tone. 

She nodded and brought a small piece of paper that showed the different shades of a tan that they had.

“Which one would you like?” She asked.

I chose the medium tan since the other ones seemed to light or way too orangey. 

She nodded and brought me to a tanning room and told me to take everything off except my underwear unless I wanted to. I chose to keep my underwear but took everything off. I took off some tanning goggles off of a small hanger attached to the wall and put them off. The spray tan began as two nozzle started spraying my body from top to bottom. I closed my eyes until the tanning was done. When I opened my eyes I left out a huge scream. I was orange!  I left the tanning booth and went to the front desk ignoring Shay’s shocked but amused look. “What the hell happened?” I yelled at the front desk lady.

“What do you mean? That’s the shade that you asked for.” She said calmly.

I glared. “Like hell I did. Why would anyone choose this shade?!”

“I’m sorry but that’s the shade that you chose.” She obviously wasn’t going to back down. 

Everyone was staring at me and I realized I hadn’t put my clothes on. I groaned and went back to get dressed. Once I was I went straight out the door with a huge glare on my face.

“This is the worst day ever!” I commented to Shay as we got in the car.

“Why did you want a tan anyways?” She asked, laughing.

“Christopher likes tan girls like his ‘friend’ Emily. Or should I say Em.” I muttered bitterly.

“And why would you want him to like you? Do you like him?” She asked.

I sighed. “Its complicated. Anyways, I’m pretty sure he wont like me when I look like I came out of a fucking Charlie’s Chocolate Factory movie.”

“Don’t worry, hun. It’ll fade in a few weeks.” Shay comforted.

“That’s not fast enough. Can you take me home? Sorry if I’m bothering you.”

“You never bother me, Rose. You’re my best friend!”

I smiled at her, laughing. “I feel like such an idiot.”

“We all do crazy stuff for guys, Rose. It’s part of being a teenage girl.”

She smiled at me and drove me home.

I plopped down on my bed as soon as I got home and looked in the mirror with tears on my eyes. 

I looked like a freak! Nobody’s going to want to look at me twice. 

I thought that If I looked more like gorgeous Emily then he would look at me the way he was looking at her. With such love and pride. 

That obviously was never going to happen.

I groaned as I heard the doorbell ring but stood up and walked towards the front door, opening it.

I wanted to run and hide as soon as I saw Christopher however it wasn’t for the usual reasons.

His eyes widened as he took in my horrible umpa lumpa tan. 

I looked down, embarrassed. “Go ahead. Insult me.”

He looked at me and laughed. “What happened?”

“It’s nothing. What are you doing here?”  I avoided the question.

“I wanted to see if you were okay. You left the club out of nowhere.”

“I’m surprised that you even care. You were having so much fun.” I said, surprised by the bitterness in my tone.

“Of course I noticed, Rose. I always do,” He added, looking uncomfortable. “Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night.”

“As in a date?” I asked, surprised.

He nodded, looking anywhere but at me.

“My tan wont leave until a week, Christopher.” 

He shrugged. “I don’t care.”

I smiled, pleasantly surprised. “Alright. See you then.”

He smiled back at me and kissed me softly on my cheek. He left and I closed my door, touching my cheek lightly with a smile on my face. 

Thanks again for reading! I entered 'Dangerous Love' to the Watty Awards so every vote is appreciated! :) So please comment and vote. Sorry I havent written back to the comments from the last chapter I've been really busy but I will get to it. Emily is on the right btw!

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