Chapter 15- Day 1: Majestical Taco's

Start from the beginning

I frowned when I noticed that my hair was a bit of a mess. I grabbed my brush that was lying on the bed and gently brushed the tangles out of my hair.

I was a bit worried about Beth. I hoped that she would be fine on this trip.

Once I was satisfied I put my hair into a high pony tail and wiggled my head to watch the pony tail swish against my shoulders. I smiled at my reflection before picking up my cute little white hand bag.


The little meow wasn't unheard by me at all. I was beaming when I saw Alex on my bed wiggling his tail. "Oh you cutie I am going to miss you." I cooed as I rubbed his fur gently and kissed his head. His purring got louder.

"Bye bye Alex. Don't you dare make any trouble." I pointed a finger at him and he brushed his wet nose against it.

I was downstairs drinking some orange juice while mom was going through her speech about being safe. "Oh honey, I am going to miss you." W-Was that tears in her eyes? Oh goodness. This happened every time I had to go on camp for school. Literally the woman acted as if she would never see me again.

I drank a bit too fast and began to choke. "Oh honey." I heard my mom say as she patted my back and I finally could breathe. Thankfully. Dad just face palmed himself as he stared at me.

"Mom, it's only 6 days, what's the worst thing that could happen?" I coughed and rinse my glass.

Her eyes went wide. "What's the worst thing that could happen?" Her tone was of mockery. "Honey are you listening to yourself? Oh my goodness you are probably the most clumsiest person in the world. Oh William our poor baby is going out alone in the world. She can't-"

"Honey, calm down." Dad was immediately at her side holding her waist. She looked up to him with a soft sigh. He gave her a small peck on her forehead and then leaned down to whisper something.

Mom's face immediately turned beet red and she pulled away with a gasp. She gave him a slap on the chest. "William." Her mouth dropped and she looked shocked. What did dad say?

"Andrea," Dad mocked her and a smirk was on his face. My jaw dropped, holy goose my dad was smirking, what on Earth? "Love you honey." He gave her a kiss before he walked away.

"I swear Anna, I am going to hit that father of yours." She laughs and sighs frustratingly tugging at her hair. "Anyway your father and I got you this. Please.... Just please try and take care of it." She shoved a small box into my hand. I raised a brow at her.

"Mom," I gave her a look. "You didn't have to." I felt the grin on my face grow, in the box was a white Iphone 5s. There was also a cute blue unicorn phone case. I put the newly purchased phone into my handbag and gave my mother a hug.

"Please don't forget to text me every night okay?" She pulled back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I nodded at her and gave her a smile. "Okay go on."

I walked into the lounge and saw my two packed two bags and Bethany's five massive suitcases. I didn't know why though? I mean we were only going for 5 nights not two month and a half.

"Hey Ana." I heard the familiar voice of Jasper as I walked into the lounge.

"Hello Jasper, are your friends here?" I was excited to meet his friends. I wonder if I knew them. Did they go to our school or were they from the Cave?

"Yep they're coming. Are Reece and Cam here already?"

"Yeah there in the kitchen. Cam wanted a turkey sandwich but doesn't know how to make one. So Reece is making it, obviously." I giggled and Jasper rolls his eyes before sitting down on my couch.

Mr Grumpy - DISCONTINUED AND BEING RE-WRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now