Thirty Four _ Tangled

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One is she who used to often come into my dreams, who needed me to need her. The one that’d always made me feel like a betrayer.

Then, there is this girl that showed me what it feels like to be truly helpless: who always haunted me: the one I’d tried to shut away in the back of my mind.

And just like that, that part of the past I’d tried to bury along with that side of Kim took me by storm again.

“I leave you alone for three seconds and you’re crying rivers.”

“Huh?” I tilted my head but couldn’t see her clearly through … my tears? Clumsily, I picked myself up, wiping them away. “No, no. Must be something in my eyes.”

“I was just joking.” she dropped down onto the bed beside me, with a frown and a small pout. Her hand reached for my still wet eye probably to wipe it dry but just ended up removing a few strands of hair away. And that gesture, somehow, made me shy away before I recomposed myself.

“I’m not lying. Would probably be dust.”


“Really. What’s that?” I tried to turn her attention away to what she had in her hands and after a second or two, she let me.


My transient confusion was cleared when I saw it was a DVD casing she was holding. But another question came up. “A movie? When do I start practicing?”

“Well, tomorrow’s the audition.”

“Which happens to be my point.”                                                                                                                                                                                 

“You need to rest your voice.” She concluded, walking over to the set, and put the disc in the player before jumping into the spot beside me. I also slid backwards till I joined her leaning against the headboard.

And despite my false protests, I too took a pillow and hugged it tight. “That’s for those who’ve trained the whole year. I did what, two days’ singing?”

“One day. But enough.”

“If you say so.” I shrugged and picked up the casing again. “Ethan? This is gonna be good.”




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