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Y/N Pov "why do they want to talk to me" "Sweetheart" Deany said "Sexy" Sethy said "Baby girl" RoRo said "yes" I said  "we want you to come with us to the hotel" Deany smirking evilly At me "S..her" I said they RoRo put me on his shoulder "Relay RoRo" I said I herd my self then cover me mouth "RoRo hu Cut" Deany said we are in the parking lot RoRo put me in the back seat  Dean got in front Sethy got a seat by me "are we there yet" Sethy said "No" RoRo said "Are we there now" Sethy said I am Giggling be now I know this game very well "No Seth ask again and you will get it" RoRo said I fell someone tug me arm I roll my eyes "How do I get out of this" I fell something warm I look down at Deany Kissing my arm Deany wirdly Stopped "Hey Seth open the car door for Y/N"  They got me out of the car we walked in to the hotel "can we have a room" RoRo said "here is your key" the girl said we walk up the stares We finely got in the hotel Room "can you put me down please" I said RoRo put me down but still have a hold it me waist he put me in to a hug my face is in his chest I start to blush "Why do you want talk to me" I said RoRo let me go till I got carried bridle style to their couch By Sethy put me on it "Sweetheart we gust want to hang out with you" Deany said smirking "Ok? I said Deany pick me up and put me on his lap Snuggle in to my neck putting a little kiss on my neck RoRo sat on the Right side on the couch Sethy on the Left side RoRo put me feet on his lap to me shoes off then me socks off I feel a tug on my hair Sethy starts to play with my hair if feel tingling in me belly "What is wrong with me" "W..hat A...er you idiot d..oi.ng" I said "we are making you feel good is that bad Babby Girl" RoRo said "I u..m O.... k" I said "Why am I so flustered Do I love them push nay" Deany put his hand under me shirt I slapped his hand away "oww what was that for darli" Deany said Sexy in his voice "owe you now why" I said RoRo Slide his finger tips on my feet I Giggled I tried to cover my moth but it was to late they herd it I look at them the all have their little smirks on their faces crad I thought RoRo stars to tickle my feet I tried to pull away but Sethy huld them up I "c....can't bareth They stop so What are we going to do in with her RoRo said cuddle her Sethy said what do you think
darli Deany said I have to go me and the girls have a slumber party I said do you have to they said yes I have to they let me go I went down the the next hall to the girls hey girly can I add sleep her I said sher they said .

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