i Always feel like somebodys watching me

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~ this gif is from GIPHY made by littlekingdoms~

~ Video from youtube song made by Rockwell~

"Hey, love are you ok? I saw your match," Paige said

"Yeah, I am fine did that happen before," Y/N said lying to Paige,

"No, I have never seen that happen, but I might know who did it," Paige said but was cut off by a producer,

"Sorry dear, I will find you when I am done then we can go get some coffee/tea," Paige said as she left,

"That's fine, I wonder what she was going to say?" Y/N said as she walked to the locker room,

"She doesn't know it's us?"


"It will be fine, she will know soon enough"

~Skip to Friday night Smackdown~

"It has been four days since I debut, I have been getting black roses in the mail with notes attached to them," Y/N thought to herself,

Walking into the entrance to the stadium,

"Y/N!" Paige said excitedly hugging Y/N,

"I and Paige have become friends
In just a couple of days," Y/N thought

"Paige how are you," Y/N asked

"I am doing great. you look lovely today," Paige said

"Thank you beautiful," Y/N said as they walked to the locker room,

As Y/N was getting her makeup done while talking to Paige,

"Hey Y/N this was in your booth," Aj Lee said walking up to her,

With black roses,

"The sh$t," Paige said

"Does it day who?" Y/N said looking to see if there was a tag,

"No, there isn't," Aj said

"Did you see who put it there?" Y/N asked

"Yeah, I did but all I saw was black and blonde hair before he ran away," Aj explained

"Do you mean Se..." Paige was cut off,

"Paige, they need you for makeup," a security gut said as he opened the door,

"Ok I Will be there," Paige said

"I will be right back, take care love," Paige said To Y/N

Y/N take a look at the security guard,

Middle length curly brown hair,

A lean body, couldn't see his eyes, The hat he was wearing was blocking it,

The security guard closes the door,

"That was weird," AJ said

Y/N sighed in relief,
"thank God. I wasn't the only one who noticed," Y/N said

"Hey, we are all mad here, do you have a match tonight," AJ questioned

"Yeah, I do it's against Natalya," Y/N said

"I wanted to talk to you about it, causes I have an idea too....". AJ and Y/N continued to talk,
as someone watched Through a camera,

" She's clueless about what we are doing,"

"Yeah, she is, nice save Dean,"

" You are welcome, you clumsy bi##h,"

~ Time skip ~

Y/N is stretching getting ready for her match,

"What has been happening to me lately,
I have just been here what a week,"
Y/N thought started to walk to the gorilla position,

Someone bumped her shoulder, and walked away not saying anything,

Y/N tried to look at the figure,

But can see his long black hair,

"Y/N L/N you need at the gorilla position," a producer said 

Y/N tuned to the direction she was going, and continued to walk,

"Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead"

"Living Dead Girl!"

Y/N walked out to her music,

The light-up above her flickered,

"What the Sh#t is that," Y/N thought

Walked into the ring waiting for Natalya,

Her music was there but she never showed up,

The light turned black,

"What hell is going on," Y/N said

Before the crowd started to chant,

Shield, Shield, Shield,

"Who's the Shield?" Y/N asked the crowd,

The screen for the teleprompter,

A live video of three men on the screen,

" Y/N~ Y/N~ Y/N~ How can you not know us? I mean we have been following you for a week now! but I guess you don't believe in love at first sight, so how is your match going, didn't even start right, well we had a little with that," Dean said

The video showed Natalya on a stretcher, with referred around her, and her husband ( Tyson Kidd ) holding her hand,

The video turned back to them,

" You see you have nothing to worry about, you know, for now, do we need to take put the competition just to get your attention, the dog tags, the flowers, what more could it take? To show you what we can do for you. There is something about you, you have only been here a week and you peaked our interest," Seth said chuckling,

The long black-haired man she bumped into steps up,

"Believe in the shield," Roman yelled into the camera,

The video went static,

Y/N stands in the ring as the crowd around her yells behind her,


Before living dead girl played,

As Y/N left the ring with her thoughts,

~ hello my fellow barbarians Happy Thanksgiving,

My thoughts on this chapter, it was decent, could have been better,

But something has been on my mind lately,  all this covid vaccine,
And it's already causing heart attacks in adults, and know they want to put it in children, good lord save us all, you can say whatever you want about politics, but when it comes to children, we should protect them period, 

There won't be studies on the vaccine until 2024, 2025, 2026, there are even some studies that say until 2027, 

Then you have Dr, Fauci saying on The new york times podcast, that the "vaccines" do not work as advertised, and you're going to need more boosters,

Do you guys trust this tell me I would like to know,

That I I have to say with that goodbye my fellow barbarians,

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