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~ This is from Pinterest ~

"Y/N. it will be fine I promise," HHH said

Y/N grips the phone tightly,

"Ok, I will be there soon," Y/N said

"Alright see you there," HHH said

Y/N ends the call,

And stares at the ceiling,

Y/N looked down at the table and glared at the dead roses,

Y/N walked and grabbed the roses, and threw them away,

Y/N sighed,

And got ready for her day,

~ Time skip ~

Y/N walked into the center in Wisconsin,

"Jesus, it's cold out there," Y/N said shivering

She walks to the woman's locker room,

But stops at the door,

"Hey!" ? said

Y/N turned around to find,

"Your Y/N right?" ? said

"Yeah, I am who might you be?" Y/N said already knowing who she was talking with,

"Well that new, I am CM Punk, but my friends call me Phil," Punk said

Y/N smiled,

"Well... I guess I can call you Phil," Y/N asked

Punk chuckles,

"Yeah, I don't see why not, but I came here to warn you about who you are dealing with," Punk said putting a hand on her shoulder,

"Ok that would be lovely, all I got was there a team who fight for "Justice", Y/N said

Punk sat her in a chair, and sat beside her,

"I have fought them before are Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, they are a team of both strength, Roman, Smart, Seth, and the lunatic, Dean, they seem to be interested in you," Punk explained

Y/N nodded at Punk,

"How do I get them to stop stalking me," Y/N asked

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I have never seen them like this before, but I will help you if you need me to," Punk said

Y/N looked up at him,

"Thank you, Phil," Y/N said smiled at him,

"Don't worry about it, just go out there and show the world what you can do," Punk said encouraging her,

Y/N smiled at Punk, got up from the chair,

"Thank you," Y/N said before saying goodbye, and left,

"So you talked to her?" Aj said from behind him,

Punk jumped,

"Yeah, I talked to her, weren't you watching the whole thing?"  Punk said

Aj smiled at him,

Punk sighed,

"Thank you for doing that, I am still worried about her," Aj said

Punk nodded,

"Y/N you are here," HHH said

Y/N nodded,

"Yeah, so what are we doing today?"
Y/N said

"We just got more security for your match tonight, some will walk out with you," HHH said and continued to explain,

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