"Do you guys go out?"

"Not right now," Rachel sighed.

"Hey um. Austin was asking if we wanted to kick it at his house later or at least when it's safe for us to leave this party." I told her.

"Really? Is ,you know who, there ?"

"Yeah, he's there."

"Cool, Im Down. So when are we leaving?" Rachel asked.

"Well can you drive us there? And we'll sneak out for a few hours."

Rachel and I hung out with the cousins and talked until it was 1:30.

I texted Austin.

Me: hey Austin, what's your address?

We drove through a couple of streets and it seemed really close.-- rach and I walked to his door and rung the door bell.

"Hey ladies!" Zach opened the door.

"Hey Zach!" We both smiled.

"Welcome in la casa de Austin!" He brought us in the house.

We walked behind Zach and he directed us into the basement. It was like a party room, HEEY!

"Hey guys!" Me and Rachel waved at them.

"Heyyy!" Austin, Alex, and Robert yelled.

We sat next to 'our guys' and I guess it just seemed right.

"So how are you?" Austin smiled. Gosh his smile killed me.

"I'm fine, I'm a little tired from yesterday.how are you?"

"Same. You want to go up to my room or?"

"It's fine but thanks."

Well that was a dumb move of me, of course I wanted to go! Ugh. Anyways us and the guys just chilled and talked while we were there.

~~Austin's POV~~

She came! But I don't know what to do, how about we just go with the flow.--

"Same. You want to go up to my room or?"

I don't exactly know what we are going to do in my room but I guess we'll be alone..........PHEW! She said no. I lost ideas what we were going to do up there.

"Hey Ronnie, my mom is asking where the car is!" Rachel said.

"Oh. Hey guys we gotta go now, Rachel's mom needs her car, sorry!" Then Veronica sighed.

"How about we drive there and one of you follow us so we could come back?" Rachel suggested.

"Yeah, I'll go!" All four of us suggested.

"Okay how about all four of you come!" Veronica smiled.

~~ Veronica's POV~~

We all went out and Rachel and i got in her car while the guys got in their car. We went down the streets and got to the house.

"RACHEL SIDANI MARX!" Her mom yelled.

"Mom! I was just at my friends house!"

"Still you didn't have permission."

"Well here's the keys, have a good life!" Rachel was such a back talker.

The guys were parked across the street so I don't think her mom noticed them.

"Never talk back to me! Get inside and stay there," she told Rachel and smiled at me then walked away.

Rachel was like 17 her mom needs to calm down. Anyways.... We went inside until Rachel's mom left. We went back out but this time I took Austin out of the car.

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